Other GOP Members of Congress Are Standing Up Against the Trade War – Where is Kevin Cramer?

(BISMARCK, ND)  The president’s trade war is already hitting the bottom lines of North Dakota’s farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers – so much so that the administration announced a whopping $12 billion bailout of the agriculture industry to stop the bleeding from the trade war they created.

While Kevin Cramer continues to fan the flames of this trade war and jeopardize North Dakota ag producers – other Republicans are speaking out and standing up for farmers:

Senator Bob Corker (R-TN): “So, you create a policy that causes people to need to be on welfare and then you provide the welfare. […] “It would be much better to just reverse the policy that’s creating this.”

Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Chairman of the Senate agriculture committee: “I think the agriculture community has made it clear. […] They much prefer trade rather than aid.”

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI): “This is becoming more and more like a Soviet-type of economy here: Commissars deciding who’s going to be granted waivers, commissars in the administration figuring out how they’re going to sprinkle around benefits. […] I’m very exasperated. This is serious.”

Senator John Thune (R-SD): “Taxpayers are going to be asked to initial checks to farmers in lieu of having a trade policy that actually opens and expands more markets. There isn’t anything about this that anybody should like.”

Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE): “This trade war is cutting the legs out from under farmers and White House’s ‘plan’ is to spend $12 billion on gold crutches. America’s farmers don’t want to be paid to lose – they want to win by feeding the world. This administration’s tariffs and bailouts aren’t going to make America great again, they’re just going to make it 1929 again.”

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ): “This is what we feared all along, that these markets would be replaced by handouts. […] You lose some of these markets, you lose them for good or a long time.”

What will it take for Kevin Cramer to finally stand up for North Dakota’s farmers, ranchers and manufacturers? 


See Our Full Page Ad in the Grand Forks Herald

(BISMARCK, ND) – Anytime the White House comes to North Dakota, it’s an opportunity to stand up for our values. Today, the North Dakota Democratic-NPL is doing just that with a full-page ad in the Grand Forks Herald.

The ad calls on Congressman Cramer to use today to put politics aside and put North Dakotans first by standing up for farmers, ranchers, and businesses against the disastrous trade war; standing up for the nearly 300,000 North Dakotans who have a pre-existing condition and are at risk of losing their care; and standing up for North Dakota’s seniors by supporting Social Security and Medicare.

See the ad below:


Will Cramer Continue To Threaten Social Security & Medicare?

Vice President Pence Supports Health Care Plan That Would Shift Burden onto Seniors

(BISMARCK, ND) – Ahead of Vice President Pence’s visit to Grand Forks tomorrow, Courtney Rice, Press Secretary for the North Dakota Democratic-NPL questioned whether Congressman Cramer will continue to stand with his Washington party bosses and support a policy that jeopardizes the dignity of a secure retirement:

“Congressman Cramer has already made clear his support for dangerous, anti-senior policies and would support chipping away at earned benefits for Social Security and Medicare recipients. Ahead of Vice President Pence’s visit, Cramer needs to demonstrate whether he stands with North Dakota’s seniors. If he does, we hope he’ll use his time with the Vice President to advocate on their behalf.”

Read more on Cramer’s anti-senior agenda here and here.


Cramer’s Health Care Plan “The Wrong Solution” for Farmers

(BISMARCK, ND) – A recent report from the nonpolitical Center on Budget and Policy Priorities finds that skimpy health plans, the kind endorsed by Congressman Cramer and his Washington party bosses, “would be inadequate and unaffordable” and “would do more harm than good” to farmers and farm workers. Cramer has supported plans that don’t guarantee affordable protections for folks with pre-existing conditions, could increase premiums, and could allow insurers to impose an age tax on older North Dakotans. With two out of three farmers and ranchers reporting having a pre-existing condition, skinny health plans are the exact opposite of what farmers and ranchers need – but that doesn’t seem to bother Congressman Cramer.

From the report:
“The plans could deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, provide coverage to such people but decline to cover their pre-existing conditions, charge far higher premiums based on a person’s health status, age, and other characteristics, and leave out benefits such as maternity care and prescription drugs.

Farmers are more likely than the general population to buy their own insurance, perhaps because they are more likely to be self-employed and without access to an employer plan.  

In a survey funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2 out of 3 farmers and ranchers reported having a pre-existing health condition.  Skimpier plans are unlikely to meet the needs of this group.

As a statement from 16 patient groups including the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association explained, expanding enrollment of skimpier health plans that are subject to weaker rules “has the potential to price millions of people with pre-existing conditions and serious illnesses out of the individual insurance market and put millions more at risk through the sale of insurance plans that won’t cover all the services patients want to stay healthy or the critical care they need when they get sick.”


Cramer’s Anti-Senior Agenda: Hiked Medicare Premiums, Calls to Cut Social Security & Medicare

Despite his false ads, Cramer is still pushing for “means testing” and cuts to ND seniors’ benefits – and even suggested increasing premiums for Medicare

(BISMARCK, ND) – Congressman Cramer is continuing to lie to North Dakotans: telling them he’ll protect Social Security and Medicare, when his actions and his recent comments show us otherwise. Just last week, he added to his talk of “means testing” and cuts to Medicare by floating increased Medicare premiums for some North Dakota seniors. It’s no wonder the Alliance for Retired Americans has given him a lifetime score of nine percent. But anyone who’s heard Cramer’s repeated calls for cutting Social Security and Medicare shouldn’t be surprised. It’s all part of Cramer’s anti-senior agenda.

Even after his false ad claiming he’d protect these programs, Cramer has continued to call for cuts:

  1. During a radio interview last week, Cramer once again suggested implementing “means testing” so that some would “pay a little more of a premium for their Medicare.”
  2. During the same interview, Cramer once again refused to fully protect Medicare that folks 50 to 55 have earned, saying they would either face “small” cuts with “policy changes today,” or face Medicare that is “cut dramatically.”

“Once again, Congressman Cramer is proving he can’t be honest with North Dakotans – trying to fool our seniors by calling the cuts he wants to make to Medicare ‘small changes’ and trying to scare them into believing that otherwise they’d face ‘dramatic cuts’ tomorrow. And despite his phony ads, he’s still pushing for ‘means testing’ and even said some seniors should face hiked Medicare premiums… how much more out of touch can you get?” said Courtney Rice, Press Secretary for the North Dakota Democratic-NPL.“North Dakota’s seniors deserve a leader like Heidi who’s fought and will keep fighting to protect their hard-earned benefits – not the Medicare cuts or premium increases in Cramer’s anti-senior agenda.”

WATCH: Cramer’s repeated calls to cut Social Security and Medicare.
Read the facts: Cramer has claimed cuts to Social Security and Medicare were unpopular, but necessary, and specifically mentioned means testing and raising the retirement age. Cramer voted for his party’s disastrous health care plan, against the urging of the AARP, that would have harmed Medicare and imposed an age tax on older North Dakotans. Cramer voted for a budget that would have begun the privatization of Medicare, and Cramer has remained silent about an extremist budget proposal that would enact cuts to these and other vital programs.

ICYMI: “Yes, Kevin Cramer Does Want to Destroy Social Security”

Don’t miss this op-ed from the president of Social Security Works PAC, an organization that focuses on senior issues, which lays out a number of ways Congressman Cramer has voted against the interests of North Dakota’s seniors – including calling for “means testing” and “raising the retirement age,” aka: cuts to Social Security and Medicare.


Social Security Works: Yes, Kevin Cramer Does Want to Destroy Social Security
By Jon Bauman

Key Points:

  • Nearly every vote [Cramer] has taken indicates his hostility towards Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
  • Cramer’s score from the Alliance for Retired Americans in both 2016 & ’17 was a great big ZERO, and he has a lifetime score of nine percent, a strongly anti-senior voting record. In contrast, Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), who Cramer is currently running against for U.S. Senate, has a ninety percent lifetime score.
  • Rep. Cramer… suggest[ed] that we “do a little more means testing, maybe increase the age by a month or two for a while.” Both of these suggestions are simply euphemisms for cutting benefits.
  • Raising the retirement age is an across the board benefit cut, one that hurts low-income and minority families the most. Means testing benefits does not produce any significant savings unless middle class benefits are cut. This is because implementing the means test would add significant administrative costs to Social Security.
  • North Dakota’s 125,786 Social Security beneficiaries (not to mention every North Dakota worker who pays into Social Security and will be a future beneficiary) deserve better.
  • They deserve to know what “means testing” and “raising the retirement age” really mean. They deserve to know that this April, Rep. Cramer voted for a Balanced Budget Amendment which, if it had passed, would forbid Social Security from using its $2.9 trillion surplus to pay promised benefits. They deserve to know that back in 2012, Cramer stated that we should “introduce more private sector options” into Social Security and Medicare, code for destroying them by handing them over to Wall Street and insurance corporations.
  • Not only that, they deserve to know that Cramer’s opponent, Senator Heidi Heitkamp, is a staunch supporter of Social Security who voted against the tax giveaway. They deserve to know that they have a real choice.

Read the full article here.



Welcome to Cramer’s Chronicles where, every Friday, we’ll break down the latest and greatest weekly hits about Cramer’s crooked, self-serving, extreme, and gaffe-prone behavior that puts himself and his partisan politics ahead of North Dakotans.

CRAMER’S ME-FIRST, PARTISAN STRATEGY. If there’s one thing Cramer has mastered, it’s the art of the flip flop – especially when it comes to the trade war that’s dealing blows to North Dakota’s farmers, ranchers, and businesses. Cramer has put politics above the people he is supposed to represent, acting as a rubber stamp for the trade war to gain political favor. FIRST, Cramer took a wishy-washy position on the trade war, even though he was aware the damage it would cause to North Dakotans. NEXT, Cramer very briefly took a stand against the trade war, signing a letter with other House colleagues asking the president to reconsider broad tariffs. THEN, HE FLIPPED, claiming the president was right to enact tariffs and, since then, has refused to forcefully speak out against the trade war, claiming he doesn’t know whether they’ll have any real impact and stating that such CONCERNS ARE “HYSTERIA.”

See more on Cramer’s Anatomy of a Flip Flop here.

ND DEM-NPL LAUNCHES NEW DIGITAL AD ON CRAMER’S TRADE WAR. Congressman Cramer abdicated his responsibility to protect North Dakota’s farmers and businesses from the growing trade war. That’s unacceptable and it’s why the North Dakota Democratic-NPL launched its latest digital ad: to call on Cramer to work across the aisle and stop the harmful trade war, rather than continuing to kowtow to the president to win political favor. WATCH the ad here.

DON’T LET CRAMER’S FARM BILL SPIN FOOL YOU. Cramer’s Washington party bosses may be trying to hand him a political lifeline by appointing him to the Farm Bill Conference Committee, but this appointment won’t erase the well-documented years Cramer has spent playing politics with North Dakota’s farmers and the Farm Bill. Here are the facts:

  • Cramer has never served on the House Committee on Agriculture.
  • In 2013, Cramer tried to sink the Farm Bill, earning him the label of ideologue, someone who “rejects compromises and insists on policies that are ideologically pure” by the Grand Forks Herald.
  • Cramer’s partisan antics prompted the Williston Herald to call on him to “take a lesson” from Senators Heitkamp and Hoeven on working across the aisle to get results.
  • Cramer is a dues-paying member of an extreme anti-agriculture group that has pushed for eliminating the Renewable Fuel Standard, eliminating the sugar program, and for devastating cuts to crop insurance and nutrition programs.
  • Cramer didn’t even know when the Farm Bill passed out of committee earlier this year.

OUR TAKE: “There’s only one person in this race who has, and will continue, to advocate on behalf of North Dakota’s interests – and it isn’t Kevin Cramer.”

HEADLINE: POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM CAN’T COVER UP POLITICAL RECORDS. NDxPlains’ Tyler Axness sums up Cramer’s appointment to the Farm Bill Conference Committee perfectly when he asks, “If [Cramer] couldn’t be effective then, what makes us think he could be effective on a packed conference committee?”

ICYMI: HEITKAMP HOLDS “FUNDRAISING ADVANTAGE” OVER CRAMER. Heidi has more than double the cash on hand of Congressman Cramer, $5.2 million to $2.4 million – shattering fundraising records for any North Dakota U.S. Senate candidate. Heidi raised nearly $2 million in the second quarter.

CRAMER DECLINES MORE DEBATES THAN HE ACCEPTS. So far, Heidi and Congressman Cramer have agreed to three debates before the election, but what he doesn’t want North Dakotans to know is that he’s declined to participate in at least four more, whereas Heidi has agreed to ten. This leaves us wondering: what’s Cramer hiding? Tyler Axness of NDxPlains Blog observed, “Perhaps it is proving difficult to discover those accomplishments which leads him to shy away from true debates. Quite simply, it makes a person wonder if he is afraid of debating Heitkamp and speaking about his record?”

REMEMBER WHEN CRAMER SAID THE TRADE WAR WAS “POSITIVE” FOR ND? This makes us wonder: has Cramer seen the news or talked to anyone in North Dakota lately?

Steele County, ND farmer: “Cramer boasts about (how) he votes with the president all the time. I don’t think that’s good for North Dakota.”


Hope to see you all at the state fair and parade this weekend!

ATTN Congressman Cramer: “Political Opportunism Can’t Cover Up Political Records”

“If [Cramer] couldn’t be effective then, what makes us think he could be effective on a packed conference committee?”


NDxPlains: Political Opportunism Can’t Cover Up Political Records
By Tyler Axness
July 19, 2018

Key Points:

  • Election year politics has been injected into our nation’s agriculture policy and members of the House of Representatives are to blame.
  • First, Congress failed to pass the Farm Bill because ideological positions were inserted into the historically non-controversial bill. A couple of weeks later, Congress reconsidered and narrowly passed its version riddled with issues.
  • Now, they’re packing the conference committee with 47 members. Why? Because it’s an election year and everyone wants to put it in an advertisement. Look no further than Kevin Cramer for an example of this election year bailout.
  • Political opportunism can’t cover up political records. So, let’s look at the record. One of the first attempts to inject ideological poison pills into our agriculture policy came in 2013 and 2014. It threatened passage of the Farm Bill. Cramer was steadfast behind those efforts and it caught the attention of North Dakota. The Williston Herald told Cramer to start acting like Hoeven and Heitkamp to get something done for farmers. “We feel Cramer needs to take a lesson from Hoeven and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp in how to wield influence.” The Grand Forks Herald was more direct when they called Cramer an “ideologue” who “rejects compromises.” Both said during the last Farm Bill debate. Both can be repeated again in 2018.
  • Cramer is also a member of the Republican Study Committee. In their budget proposal for 2019, the group called for cutting crop insurance responsibility in half, eliminating the renewable fuel standard, and eliminating the sugar program. Either Cramer endorses those ideas, or he failed to convince them these positions are harmful to North Dakota farmers. 
  • If he couldn’t be effective then, what makes us think he could be effective on a packed conference committee?
  • A Farm Bill needs to be passed amid an international trade war. Yet the House version followed the same path of 2014. They knowingly put provisions in making it more difficult to pass. Cramer chose not to serve on the Agriculture Committee, but that doesn’t stop him from bragging about the House bill.
  • In his comments about being on the conference committee, The Forum reported Cramer said he was “very involved” in developing the bill. In essence, he is taking responsibility for creating this mess and now he wants recognition for being a part of the clean up.
  • 47 members this year compared to 29 members in the 2014 conference committee. It would be more prudent to narrow the appointments to those who are actually effective on agricultural policy. But, it is an election year and that leads to political opportunism.

Read the full article here.


Burgum’s Blinders: Governor Doubles Down on Extreme Cuts Despite Increased Revenue

Refusing to budge despite the new facts, Governor Burgum continues his commitment to cutting funding for education, essential government services, and much-needed infrastructure projects

(BISMARCK, ND) — Governor Doug Burgum is so committed to his draconian budget cuts that he won’t let the facts get in the way of scoring partisan points. Despite reports of increased revenue from an uptick in gas prices, Burgum has doubled down saying he will stick with his plan to cut funding for state agencies 5 to 10 percent across the board.

“Governor Burgum should know that flexibility is key to governing, but that doesn’t seem to be a lesson he has learned in Bismarck,” said Scott McNeil, Executive Director of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL. “These cuts are drastic and will hurt agencies already underfunded and overextended. Restoring fiscal responsibility in Bismarck is a goal shared by both parties, but the budget should not be balanced the backs of working families who rely on government services or students who are looking for a good education. North Dakotans deserve legislators who will stand up against these irresponsible cuts and produce a budget that puts North Dakotans first.”

NEW DIGITAL AD: Cramer Abdicates Responsibility, Ignores Concerns of ND Farmers, Businesses Hurt By Trade War

Cramer Has Rubber Stamped the Trade War, Putting Political Ambitions Ahead of North Dakotans

Congressman Cramer has heard the concerns of North Dakotans over the president’s trade war, but he’s chosen not to do anything about it.

To call attention to Cramer’s abdication of responsibility, today the North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new video, backed by a Facebook buy, that calls on Cramer to finally put North Dakotans first and work to stop the trade war, rather than kowtowing to the president to win political favor.



See some of the public outcry over Cramer’s inaction on the trade war:

NDxPlains: For Cramer it is Loyalty to Trump above what is best for North Dakota.
Cramer displays his eagerness to be obedient and subservient to President Donald Trump. It is loyalty to Trump over North Dakota. There has been and will continue to be times where President Trump is wrong about what is best for our state. In those moments, North Dakota deserves an independent thinker.”

Prairie Public News: Cramer: Cool the ‘hysteria’ over Chinese tariffs.

Bismarck Tribune: LTE: Farmers in state need some loyalty.
“Farmers and ranchers face enough uncertainty with the weather — we don’t need any more caused by politicians in Washington. That’s why along with so many farmers across North Dakota and the nation, I’ve been deeply concerned by the president’s proposed tariffs. […] I was disappointed that Rep. Kevin Cramer has refused to stand up to the president on this issue. I understand that they’re both from the same party — but that shouldn’t stop Cramer from doing what’s right and standing up for North Dakota.”

Fargo Forum: Letter: Cramer’s blind allegiance to Trump’s tariffs bad for ND farmers.
“Congressman Kevin Cramer certainly pledges his allegiance to the Trump administration every time I listen to his interviews. Cramer is wrong to embrace the Trump tariffs as they are going to have a serious negative impact on middle America and looking at the economic numbers, we cannot afford a set back. […] Congressman Cramer’s blind allegiance to Trump is letting our farmers and ranchers down.”

4-Traders: Major Cramer Supporter: “Any Tariffs Are a Bad Idea.”
“As Kevin Cramer prepares to testify in the U.S. House of Representatives today on Chinese tariffs that could have a devastating impact on North Dakota’s ag economy and energy industry – it’s worth reminding: Not even one of Cramer’s biggest donors thinks these tariffs are a good idea – in fact, he flatly told CNN: ‘I think any tariffs are a bad idea.’

But since the day Cramer drew a line in the sand – saying voting against President Trump is akin to marital infidelity, and deleting a tweet in opposition to the tariffs he knows are a bad idea for North Dakota farmers and energy producers – he’s been towing the D.C. swamp’s party line ever since. Rather than stand up policies that would grow North Dakota’s economy, he’s chosen to put his own career first to the detriment of working families.”

Read more about how the Cramer-endorsed trade war is threatening the livelihoods of North Dakota farmers and ranchers here and watch here. And see how Cramer flipped positions on the trade war to gain political favor with the president here.


Dem-NPL CARES Program Launches Statewide Food Drive for Watford City Tornado Victims

Concerned community members can drop off canned goods at Democratic-NPL Field Offices in Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot, and Jamestown

(BISMARCK, ND) — Following the devastating tornado that touched down in Watford City, resulting in loss of life and property, the Democratic-NPL is launching a food drive at its field offices to assist families recuperating from the disaster. Through the Dem-NPL ongoing Community, Agriculture, Resources, Education, and Safety (CARES) initiative, the party is encouraging volunteers and community members to donate non-perishable food items that will be distributed by the Great Plains Food Bank to the Watford City Food Bank.

“It’s times like these North Dakotans put their partisan differences aside and come together as a community,” said Warren Larson, Chair of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL. “When disaster strikes, like the tornado in Watford City, families rely on their neighbors to help them rebuild and move on. The Democratic-NPL is proud to do what we can to help, and we continue to have faith in the generosity of North Dakotans.”

All Democratic-NPL Field offices are open from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm.


Field Office:

215 N 3rd St

Bismarck, ND 58501

Dem NPL State Office:

1902 E Divide Ave

Bismarck, ND 58501



23 Broadway N

Fargo, ND 58102


Grand Forks

1726 S Washington St

Grand Forks, ND 58201



311 1st Ave S

Jamestown, ND 58401



212 South Broadway

Minot, ND 58701

VIDEO: Kevin Cramer Doesn’t Know Anything About The Farm Bill

(BISMARCK, ND) – Yesterday Congressman Kevin Cramer was named to the Farm Bill Conference Committee – which doesn’t make a lot of sense, since he doesn’t know anything about the Farm Bill. WATCH this clip to see Cramer reveal he didn’t even know that this critical bill, which provides support for North Dakota’s agriculture community, passed out of committee.

Question: Quickly too with the farm bill, speaking of farmers, it just passed out of committee.

Cramer: Oh did it, I’ve been wondering.

Don’t forget, Congressman Cramer is still backing the trade war and has dismissed farmers’ concerns about their livelihood as “hysteria,” even though we’ve seen prices for crops like soybeans plummet by 20 percent.  
