Cost of Cramer’s Trade War: $39 Billion

(BISMARCK, ND) – The cost of the Congressman Cramer’s trade war is now becoming clear: According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, it could cost taxpayers as much as $39 billion to provide aid to all the industries affected by the ongoing trade war. And experts warn that the package – an additional $27 billion on top of the $12 billion that Cramer charged taxpayers last week – won’t cover the full extent of farmers’ losses.

Now Cramer, who is more concerned with winning elections than protecting North Dakota’s ag economy, is throwing aside his self-proclaimed fiscal conservative values and swiping the nation’s credit card to bail himself out of a political bind.

“It’s clear that Kevin Cramer’s faux concern for farmers is nothing more than a transparent political gambit to get him out of hot water with voters,” said Courtney Rice, Press Secretary for the North Dakota Democratic-NPL.“But farmers want a market – and they know Cramer is to blame for this self-inflicted wound.”

From the beginning, Cramer has been one of the most enthusiastic cheerleaders of the trade war. After incorrectly predicting that there would only be “a couple of days scare” in the soybean market, Cramer demanded that North Dakota farmers endure “short-term pain” and called their concerns “hysteria.” Meanwhile, ag producers in the state have lost 20 percent off their bottom lines, leaving hundreds of thousands of acres without a buyer.
