Visit with Alex Deufel, Candidate for District 40 House and get yourself a yard sign. There will be drinks, smores and a fire. 7-9pm. Location: Heidi and Joe Super's house, […]
Festival Hall
604 ND-15, Fessenden, ND, United States
Meet N.D. Governor candidate Merrill Piepkorn, U.S. Senate candidate Katrina Christiansen, and U.S. House candidate Trygve Hammer in Fessenden's Festival Hall. Food and fellowship guaranteed. Everyone welcome!
Grab your friends and family for an evening of hometown fall fun!! Come enjoy musical performances by the Crop Dusters and Pat Lipsiea, outside games for all ages, and food! […]
El Zagal Shrine Fargo
1429 3rd Street North, Fargo, ND, United States
2 months and 1 day (but who's counting) before the November 5th election. We are inviting you to our final major fundraising event. We’re running against a very wealthy opponent […]