(BISMARCK, ND) – With the Senate tentatively scheduled to vote on some form of health care repeal tomorrow (what form of repeal remains a mystery), a new ad by the American Cancer Society highlights that virtually every national medical organization opposes the Republican effort to repeal health care for tens of thousands of North Dakotans and 22 million Americans.
National medical organizations opposing the Republican repeal bills include:
-ALS Association
-American Academy of Family Physicians
-American Cancer Society
-American College of Physicians
-American College of Nurse-Midwives
-American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
-American Diabetes Association
-American Health Care Association
-American Heart Association
-American Hospital Association
-American Lung Association
-American Medical Association
-American Muslim Health Professionals
-American Nurses Association
-American Public Health Association
-America’s Essential Hospitals
-American Federation for Suicide Prevention
-America’s Hospitals and Health Systems
-Arthritis Foundation
-Catholic Health Association of the United States
-Catholic Sisters for Health Care
-Children’s Defense Fund
-Church and Society
-Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
-Faith in Public Life
-Friends Committee on National Legislation
-HIV Medicine Association
-Kingdom Mission Society
-Lutheran Services in America
-March of Dimes
-Muscular Dystrophy Association
-National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease
-National Disability Rights Network
-National Health Council
-National Multiple Sclerosis Society
-National Organization for Rare Disorders
-National Physicians Alliance
-Sisters of the Good Shepard
-Trust for America’s Health
-Union for Reform Judaism
Statewide medical organizations opposing the Republican repeal bills include:
-North Dakota Medical Association
-North Dakota Hospital Association
-AARP North Dakota
-Jamestown Regional Medical Center
“Before Senator Hoeven votes tomorrow on a bill that will kick tens of thousands of North Dakotans off their health insurance, he should ask: Who is supporting this proposal?” said Democratic-NPL spokesperson Daniel Tick. “Organizations representing doctors, hospitals, patients, long-term care providers and rural health centers have all spoken out against health care repeal. Senator Hoeven should do the right thing for North Dakota by sitting down at the negotiating table and seeking real, bipartisan solutions that improve access to care and lower costs, rather than dismantling Medicaid and throwing the insurance market into chaos.”