NDGOP statement on Holmberg Case is insufficient

March 21, 2025

FARGO ND – Following the release of Acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer Puhl’s sentencing memorandum that outlines Former Republican State Senator Ray Holmberg’s pattern of sexual exploitation and abuse of children, the NDGOP released a statement about Holmberg.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL DNC Committee man Jamie Selzler said, “What was missing was any sort of demand that their own legislators do anything to prevent this from happening again. Who among them enabled Holmberg? Who was he bragging to about this disgusting behavior? The NDGOP statement is literally the bare minimum that would be expected in this situation. Ray Holmberg sexually abused young men and boys on the dime of the North Dakota taxpayer.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “If the NDGOP is truly as disturbed as they claim to be about these crimes, they’ll immediately work to put into law full transparency of how tax dollars are spent for legislative travel, they’ll ensure that the Ethics Commission has full autonomy to both investigate and take action when legislators violate the trust placed in them, and they will proactively announce that any elected or appointed official, or any Republican Party official, who had any knowledge of Holmberg’s actions immediately resign their position. But North Dakota Republicans aren’t working to root out real predators or enact rules to prevent the abuse of power Ray Holmberg wielded. Instead, they are attacking teachers and librarians. If they want to find the real offenders, they need to realize that the call is coming from inside the house.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director