Logan Longtin to receive “Young Democrats” award at Dem-NPL Governors Dinner
April 16, 2024
BISMARCK — Logan Longtin of Minot will receive the “Young Democrats” award at the 7th Annual Democratic-NPL Governors Dinner. The dinner is Saturday, April 27 from 6 – 8:30 PM at the North Dakota Heritage Center.
Originally from Williston, Longtin moved to Minot after graduating from UND. Longtin has worked as an organizer for the North Dakota Democratic-NPL and currently the chair of the Souris Valley Dems. Longtin now works as an English Teacher at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.
U.S. House Candidate Trygve Hammer said, “Logan Longtin’s energy and his dedication to the Souris Valley Dem-NPL have resulted in a five-fold increase in active membership, which continues to grow under his leadership. Logan has earned this recognition, and we Souris Valley Dems are proud to be associated with him.”
The dinner will feature keynote speaker Ken Martin, who is the Chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party, President of the Association of State Democratic Committees, and a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. Tickets are available at https://swift-cpa.net/donate/2024governorsdinner
Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616