ICYMI: Cramer Supports Lawsuit That Could Jeopardize Health Care For More Than 300,000 North Dakotans

(BISMARCK, ND) – Kevin Cramer announced his support late Friday for the dangerous, partisan lawsuit that could lead to health insurance companies denying care to the more than 300,000 North Dakotans who have a pre-existing condition. Rather than looking out for North Dakota’s interests, Cramer has once again rubber stamped his political bosses’ ill-advised agenda to advance his own self-serving plans.

From the Forum:

  • Heitkamp has called for reforming what she described as an imperfect law, while Cramer has backed so-called “repeal and replace” efforts.
  • National polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests candidates’ views on pre-existing condition protections are “at least very important” to most voters.
  • Cramer has said he supports protections for pre-existing conditions, although a bill he supported last year would have allowed states to waive certain protections, said Larry Levitt, senior vice president for health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
  • [Cramer] predicted Congress will make another run at health care if Republicans maintain their majorities.
  • Meanwhile, the Trump administration has taken several steps of its own that critics argue amounts to sabotaging the law and could drive up premiums. The Department of Justice said in June it would not defend provisions of the ACA in litigation brought by Texas and 19 other states, including North Dakota.
  • Heitkamp called the lawsuit “ill-advised” while Cramer said he supports it.

Reminder: Cramer has voted to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act 65 times and has signed onto Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan’s plans to sabotage the health care system that could spike costs and strip coverage.
