Democratic-NPL Statement on Burgum Signing Anti-LGBTQ Bill
Yesterday, Governor Doug Burgum signed a bill to ban gender affirming care for trans children in North Dakota despite the calls from many parents, children, and doctors demanding he veto the bill.
North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Patrick Hart said, “Doug Burgum initially ran on a platform in support of anti-discrimination laws, but the far-right has taken the wheel within the National Republican Party. It’s not surprising that he turned his back on LGBTQ+ North Dakotans now that he’s desperately trying to make a national name for himself, and curry favor with extreme right-wing ND legislators. This will drive families from our state.”
Critically, healthcare professionals have made it clear that this legislation will lead to serious, negative mental health consequences for some North Dakota kids; and the result will be greater risk of suicide and other forms of self-harm. Burgum and ND Republicans have decided their judgment about how to raise kids is better than that of parents and the child’s doctor. This is offensive to parents in our state, and one more example of Republicans in ND using the power of the state to strip parents of their choices in how to raise their own children.
Democratic-NPL lawmakers expressed their disappointment and anger on social media. House Minority Leader Josh Boschee remarked, “Gov. Burgum’s argument for signing this legislation is weak. He knows no doctors are providing gender reassignment surgery to North Dakotans under 18. But in signing the bill, he criminalizes doctors who provide other safe, evidence-based treatments approved by parents.”
“This is a sad day that we are taking medical decisions out of the hands of medical professionals and parents,” wrote Senator Ryan Braunberger
“Besides wasting taxpayer dollars on inevitable litigation, signing this bill does real harm to the trans community.” said Representative Karla Rose Hanson.
Cowing to the national trend, this is the fourth anti-Trans bill Burgum has signed into law this legislative session.