14:47:552024-01-09 14:47:55North Democratic-NPL Chair Reacts to Class A misdemeanor charge against Rep. Dockter 17:25:522023-12-21 17:25:52North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Reacts to Republican Lawmaker Abusive Language Hurled at Police 10:17:062023-12-14 10:17:06North Democratic-NPL Chair Concerned Statement on the Supreme Court Taking Up Abortion Medication Case 13:43:002023-11-21 13:43:00Democratic-NPL Leaders Call For New Maps, Admonish GOP Plan To Appeal Redistricting Decision 14:43:352023-11-14 14:43:35CSG Selects Rep. Zac Ista for 20 Under 40 Leadership Award 13:52:532023-11-02 13:52:53Former First Lady Grace Link to be named Honorary Chair of Dem-NPL Century Club 16:01:362023-10-27 16:01:36We “must stop pretending that the behavior of the NDGOP is a shock,” says Dem-NPL Chair 16:25:172023-10-26 16:25:17JoNell Bakke To Receive “Spirit Of The NPL” Award
North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair comments on Burgum’s endorsement of Trump
North Democratic-NPL Chair Reacts to Class A misdemeanor charge against Rep. Dockter
North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Reacts to Refusal to Resign
North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Reacts to Republican Lawmaker Abusive Language Hurled at Police
North Democratic-NPL Chair Concerned Statement on the Supreme Court Taking Up Abortion Medication Case
Democratic-NPL Chair’s Statement on 2024 Republican Presidential Primary Race
Democratic-NPL Leaders Call For New Maps, Admonish GOP Plan To Appeal Redistricting Decision
CSG Selects Rep. Zac Ista for 20 Under 40 Leadership Award
Former First Lady Grace Link to be named Honorary Chair of Dem-NPL Century Club
Frederick Edwards to receive Hometown Hero award at Dem-NPL Dinner featuring keynote speaker Governor Walz
We “must stop pretending that the behavior of the NDGOP is a shock,” says Dem-NPL Chair
JoNell Bakke To Receive “Spirit Of The NPL” Award