13:53:132017-04-06 13:53:13Senators Heckaman, Mathern to introduce amendment restoring $7 million in behavioral health funding 09:28:292017-02-15 09:28:29Dem-NPL legislators outline key areas of concern with Measure 5 implementation bill 13:16:012017-01-31 13:16:01First responders, Dem-NPL legislators highlight importance of collective bargaining rights for law enforcement, firefighters 11:50:362017-01-17 11:50:36Dem-NPL legislative leaders issue statement on Gov. Burgum’s decision to include continued funding for Medicaid expansion 14:26:032016-11-01 14:26:03President Obama endorses Josh Boschee for District 44 House 17:30:582016-10-07 17:33:05Statement on Donald Trump’s vulgar comments about women
Senators Heckaman, Mathern to introduce amendment restoring $7 million in behavioral health funding
Dem-NPL legislators outline key areas of concern with Measure 5 implementation bill
First responders, Dem-NPL legislators highlight importance of collective bargaining rights for law enforcement, firefighters
Dem-NPL legislative leaders issue statement on Gov. Burgum’s decision to include continued funding for Medicaid expansion
President Obama endorses Josh Boschee for District 44 House
In rare move, Minot Daily News endorses Democratic House candidate A.J. Schultz
Statement on Donald Trump’s vulgar comments about women