Tag Archive for: Joe Biden

North Dakota Delegation to Democratic National Convention endorses VP Kamala Harris

July 23, 2024

FARGO – After the announcement from President Biden, the North Dakota Delegation to the Democratic National Convention met virtually and voted to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Kylie Oversen, Chair of the North Dakota Delegation, said, “First and foremost, we acknowledge and express our deep gratitude for President Biden’s decades of compassionate public service. His commitment to his family and his faith is one we admire and hope all leaders will emulate. President Biden’s decision to pass the torch to a new generation of leadership comes from a place of humility and true patriotism.”

She added, “The Biden Harris administration has done more for rural America and states like North Dakota than any administration in recent memory. Investments from the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act have been life changing for communities across our state and region. Joe Biden believes in rural America and his policy priorities have made that clear. In particular, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invested hundreds of millions of dollars in clean water infrastructure, broadband expansion, and rebuilding of our roads and bridges. The Biden Harris administration has also prioritized investments in rural health systems, rural electric cooperatives, food security, and infrastructure in our tribal communities. We are grateful for President Biden’s generational and transformative leadership.”

In addition, the delegation discussed and ultimately voted to offer their unanimous support for Vice President Kamala Harris as she accepts President Biden’s endorsement to be the Democratic nominee for President. Oversen stated, “Vice President Harris has been alongside President Biden in his support for rural America. She has been fully vetted on the national stage and has demonstrated her ability to lead in this administration. Her commitment to reproductive justice and improving maternal health outcomes is especially important to me. Our delegation looks forward to a fair, orderly process to nominate our next ticket for President and Vice President, and we remain committed to maintaining Democratic leadership in the White House come November.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Democratic-NPL Chair commends President Biden for his service to the country

July 21, 2024

Fargo — North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party Chair Adam Goldwyn issued the following statement:

“President Biden has been one of the most impactful leaders of my lifetime. With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Biden made the biggest investment in infrastructure since President Eisenhower. The Biden-Harris Administration saw manufacturing jobs return to the United States with the CHIPS and Science Act. The Inflation Reduction Act lowered health care costs, strengthened American energy security, and it is the most ambitious investment in combating the climate crisis in world history.

For a half century, through personal and political triumphs and setbacks, President Biden has done what he believes is best for our country and our world. Like George Washington, President Biden becomes one of very few American Presidents to voluntarily cede power in pursuit of the greater good. President Biden ran on the campaign slogan to ‘finish the job,’ and now we honor his sacrifice and secure his legacy and our future greatness by electing whoever emerges as the Democratic nominee for President.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL House Minority Leader on the Supreme Court Decision in Trump v. United States

July 1, 2024

GRAND FORKS – Today all six of the Republican appointed Supreme Court justices ruled that a President of the United States has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for all official acts taken while in office. The three justices appointed by Democrats dissented.

In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that this decision “makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law.”

Democratic-NPL House Minority Leader Zac Ista (D-Grand Forks) said, “In a few days, we will be celebrating our declaration of independence from a monarchy. In the nearly 250 years since then, countless brave Americans have fought and died to protect the constitutional republic our Founding Fathers envisioned—one that gave us a president, not a dictator or a king.

But today’s Supreme Court decision paves the way for any president to don the crown of a monarch once again. The notion that anyone—let alone the President—is above the law should shock the conscience of all patriotic Americans. So where this Supreme Court has failed, we as citizens must act to uphold our fundamental values at the ballot box. As Justice Sotomayor eloquently wrote in dissent, nothing short of our very democracy is at stake.”

Donald Trump already attacked our democracy and freedom:

-Donald Trump has pledged to be a dictator on “day one.” Trump admires violent dictators, saying that ‘the tougher and meaner they are, the better I get along with them.
-After inspiring a violent mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6, Trump has pledged to pardon the rioters who wanted to end American democracy.
-Donald Trump’s Project 2025 is also crafting plans that would allow him to deploy the military against American citizens under the Insurrection Act.
-Trump has floated the idea of running for a third term.
-Trump is warning of a “bloodbath” if he loses in November.

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL Chair on the Presidential Debate

June 28, 2024

*Biden Administration’s Investing in America North Dakota Fact Sheet*

*North Dakota Infrastructure Projects Spreadsheet*

FARGO – Last night was the first debate between President Joe Biden and former President and convicted felon Donald Trump.

Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “One night does not sum up an entire presidency. We have four years of our own lived experience under each candidate. At the end of Donald Trump’s presidency we were huddled in our houses hiding from a mass death event while unemployment skyrocketed, and our nation’s capitol was overrun by a violent mob of cop-killers seeking to overturn our election. He appointed three Supreme Court justices who voted to take away women’s reproductive rights and trash our environment. He committed 34 felonies to get there.

After four years of a Biden presidency, unemployment is at a record low, the stock market is at a record high, more Americans continue to be covered for health care, insulin and prescription medicine costs are coming down, and real investment in infrastructure continues to move our country forward, to list just a few of Biden’s achievements.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL Chair on what North Dakotans may expect from tonight’s Presidential Debate

June 27, 2024

FARGO – Tonight will be the first debate between President Joe Biden and former President and convicted felon Donald Trump.

Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “Tonight, we will see the stark contrast between President Biden’s vision for the future—building on his agenda of lowering prices, responsible stewardship of the environment, and protecting our fundamental freedoms. Donald Trump’s extreme agenda consists of ripping away Americans’ rights, undermining American democracy, and selling out the middle class.

Time and time again Trump has put himself above the American voters and our democracy. He wants to abolish the Department of Education and gut Social Security and Medicare, while giving more tax breaks to his billionaire donors like Doug Burgum at working North Dakotans’ expense.”


Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

‘Neither Armstrong nor Miller actually want to secure the border’ says Dem-NPL Chair

March 29, 2024

FARGO, ND – As the Republican Gubernatorial Primary grows increasingly negative, a new ad from Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller falsely claims a cartel attack happened under President Biden’s watch. In reality, Donald Trump was president at the time, and it didn’t even occur in the United States.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn remarked, “People’s lives and livelihoods hang in the balance at the US-Mexico border, but neither Armstrong nor Miller actually want to secure the border or help the people of our border regions. If they did, they would have supported the Senate Bipartisan Border Deal. These two are more interested in playing political games than solving real problems. The Democratic Party stands ready with real solutions to real problems while the Republicans continue to play political games with real people’s lives.”

In February, House Republicans and Donald Trump sank the bill to secure the border. This prompted US Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who’d negotiated the bipartisan agreement took to social media to say, “The border is a money making grievance machine for Republicans. That’s all. Period. Stop. Keeping it a problem raises them money, drives ratings, helps them win elections. They don’t want to fix it. That’s why they killed the bipartisan border bill.”

During President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union, he remarked, “’That bipartisan bill would hire 1,500 more security agents and officers, 100 more immigration judges to help tackle the backlog of two million cases, 4,300 more asylum officers, and new policies so they can resolve cases in six months instead of six years now. What are you against?” The key Republican negotiator on the bill US Senator James Lankford (R-OK) was seen saying, “That’s true” and nodding his head.

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

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