ND Democratic-NPL Chair calls for immediate release of Stenehjem’s recovered emails
March 7, 2024
FARGO, ND – Today, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn called for the immediate release of the late Wayne Stenejhem’s official emails.
Goldwyn remarked, “It was pretty difficult for most of us to stomach the decision that Mountrail County state’s attorney Wade Enget made not to pursue criminal charges after Troy Seibel and Liz Brocker ordered Wayne Stenehjem’s emails be deleted less than 24 hours after his death.
Now we’re learning that the statute of limitations has passed for Seibel and Brocker, and that Julie Lawyer, the Buliegh County States’ attorney (and new employer of Brocker) had limited the scope of Enget’s investigation.
Today’s revelation shows that we cannot let up on the pressure for thorough investigations into this matter. We need to see these emails immediately, they belong to the people of North Dakota. The Bismarck good ol’ boys club can’t keep us in the dark.”
Laura Dronen
Communications and Digital Director
(701) 566-0616