Drive-In with Biden Watch Party Brings Dem-NPLers Together During COVID-19

BISMARCK, ND — The North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party will host a Drive-in Watch Party Thursday as former Vice President Joe Biden headlines the Democratic National Convention. The Democratic National Convention programming will be broadcast on a “drive-in” screen at the Red River Valley Fairground, bringing Dem-NPLers together while maintaining physical distancing practices. Dem-NPL statewide candidates will speak briefly at 7:45 p.m. prior to to the broadcast and will be available to press upon request.

What: Joe Biden accepts the Democratic nomination for president, broadcast on the “drive-in” screen.
Where: Red River Valley Fairgrounds
When: Thursday, August 20, 7:30 p.m.-10 p.m.
Who: Hosted by the Dem-NPL, Open to the Public

COVID-19 Precautions

Attendees are strongly urged to stay in their vehicles except when purchasing food or using the restrooms and are strongly urged to wear a mask when they are out of their vehicles. We encourage Dem-NPLers to arrive by 7:30 p.m. for “Fair Food Thursday” before the show starts! Vendors will close down at 8pm. 

North Dakota Dem-NPL Statewide Candidates attending: 

Dr. Shelley Lenz for Governor, Zach Raknerud for Congress, Patrick Hart for State Auditor, Mark Haugen for Treasurer, and Casey Buchmann for Public Service Commission.

For Press Planning to Attend

Due to efforts to promote physical distancing, press must RSVP through Dem-NPL Communications Director Alex Rohr at, who can also help arrange interviews with statewide candidates.
