Democratic-NPL announces more in-person locations for Democratic Presidential Primary

March 28, 2024

FARGO, ND – The North Dakota Democratic-NPL will host three in-person voting locations for the Democratic Presidential Primary on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30.

Because of an influx of resources and volunteers, the Dem-NPL is excited to make three more in-person locations available to North Dakota voters.

The polling locations will be open:
Friday March 29 from 4-7 pm
Saturday March 30 from 8-11 am

Gateway Fashion Mall — Rock’n 50’s Cafe Entrance
2700 State St., Bismarck

North Dakota Democratic-NPL office
1325 23rd St S., Fargo

Grand Forks
Archives Coffee House
3012 University Dr S., Grand Forks

North Dakota will send 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. This vote will determine the proportion of delegates pledged to each presidential candidate.

Delegates to the National Convention will be elected at the North Dakota Democratic-NPL State Convention in Fargo on April 4-7. North Dakota Democrats interested in becoming delegates to the National Convention should complete this form.

Voters who have questions can contact the Dem-NPL at 701-255-0460 or

North Dakota is one of just five states where the political parties run the presidential primary process. The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is working with the Merriman River Group to facilitate the primary.

Any qualified North Dakota voter or any person who will have met all the qualifications of a voter at the next general election, and who has completed a form declaring they wish to participate as a Democrat is qualified to vote in the Party-Run Primary.

Candidates who will appear on the ballot are:
Joseph R Biden Jr
Eban Cambridge
Stephen P Lyons
Jason Palmer
Armando “Mando” Perez-Serrato
Dean Phillips
Cenk Uygur
Marianne Williamson

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616