Dem-NPL Chair Calls for Investigation into AG Email Deletion

Today on News and Views with Joel Heitkamp, Democratic-NPL Party Chair Pat Hart reamed the likely criminal activity which occurred when the late Attorney General’s email account was deleted and called for an investigation.

“These are people that know better,” said Hart, “They knew what they were doing, and they did it anyway. What else is being covered up?”

The Democratic-NPL is demanding the following:

  • The Attorney General must retain an outside firm to attempt to recover deleted files and locate any deleted correspondence still accessible on other email accounts.
  • The Attorney General needs to investigate what, if anything, the former AG and top deputy were hoping to shield from the public.
  • The Attorney General needs to refer his findings to Burleigh County State’s Attorney Office for criminal investigation and possible charges.
  • Liz Brocker and Troy Seibel should testify before relevant interim legislative committees.

Hart continued, “This event is a great example of waste fraud and abuse! When I worked for the PSC, open record requests and file retention were a serious matter. This blatant disregard for transparency is beyond unacceptable.”