Cramer Happy With Progress of Trade War

(Bismarck, ND) – With only three days remaining until Kevin Cramer’s self-imposed deadline to stand with North Dakota against the trade war, the state’s farmers and manufacturers aren’t holding their breath for him to do anything. Cramer has made it clear that he’s sticking with the administration in this trade war, despite the economic harm it’s causing the state.

Just yesterday, Cramer bafflingly said it’s all “playing out the way that I hoped.”

Below is a probably accurate portrayal of Cramer in that exact moment:

It’s not playing out well for North Dakota though.

HEADLINE: KVRR: Farmers Speak Out Against Rep. Kevin Cramer and His Comments on Trade War

Forum: “The North Dakota Trade Office says two foreign trade missions to the state have been canceled and a higher-than-normal number of visas sought by international buyers hoping to attend this year’s Big Iron Farm Show have been denied by immigration officials.”

Associated Press: “One of the town hall participants, soybean farmer Matt Gast, said export sales figures released Thursday show that the U.S. has shipped 37 percent fewer soybeans compared to this time a year ago. ‘We weren’t losing that much market share before the tariffs came into effect,’ Gast said. ‘How long can this go on before we can gain some of this back or we can’t regain it back?’”

Rugby, ND farmer: “I’m terrified of this trade thing. I lose sleep over it […] It’s just the uncertainty of it.”
