Cramer Disses Farmers and Ranchers in an Email to His Donors

Recent fundraising email shows Kevin Cramer would rather dismiss the concerns of North Dakota Farmers than stand up to his own party

(BISMARCK, ND) In a recent email to donors, Kevin Cramer again called the outrage over his unwillingness to stand with North Dakota farmers “hysteria.”

Farmers know that the looming trade war could be a disaster for their bottom line. So does former North Dakota Governor and USDA Secretary Ed Schafer, who has previously called Cramer’s comments unfair, “politics.”

So why doesn’t Kevin Cramer stand up for North Dakota farmers and ranchers?

This isn’t the first time Cramer has called these very real fears “hysteria.” Back in April, he used the word to describe the common knowledge that a trade war would be bad for farmers, and since then it has been reported that China has stopped buying U.S. soybeans.

That’s not hysteria. That’s pointing out that there are real consequences for Cramer’s actions.

“Kevin Cramer has his head firmly buried in the sand when it comes to tariffs,” said Scott McNeil, Executive Director of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL. “When farmers ask him to side with his constituents instead of Washington powerbrokers like Mitch McConnell, he condescendingly calls them hysterical. Farmers know that they would be the first casualties of a trade war, yet Cramer continues to put his own political ambitions in front of the well-being of our agricultural producers.”