Washington Republicans Push to Intentionally Crash US Economy as Default Looms

September 28, 2021

Michael Taylor

Washington Republicans Push to Intentionally Crash US Economy as Default Looms
*ND Delegation Remains Spineless as Hoeven, Cramer, and Armstrong Back Shutdown*

Bismarck, ND – Last week, Senate Republicans voted to block an emergency bill passed by the House to fund the Government through December. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has issued grave warnings that a failure to meet debt obligations could trigger a catastrophic economic collapse as soon as mid-October. If a deal is not reached by Thursday, the Federal Government will enter a shutdown, leaving millions of workers without pay.

Despite this, Republicans in Washington have continued to dig in their heels by refusing to work with the Biden Administration to avert an economic crisis. This shameful display has completed the GOP’s transformation as the Party of “Death, Disease, and Destruction.”

“The full faith and credit of the United States has been solidified by a 245 year history of honoring our promise to pay our debts,” said Michael Taylor, Executive Director of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL. “The very integrity of our nation is being held hostage by the recklessness of Senator Hoeven, Senator Cramer, Representative Armstrong, and their cohorts in Washington. Because they cannot be bothered to do the right thing, they’re intentionally putting North Dakotans and our Country on the brink of recession.”

Dem-NPL Chair, Patrick Hart, also did not mince words, adding: “This is an unprecedented level of heartless cruelty. Growing up, I saw firsthand how these shutdowns affected not only my parents, but the entire community. This will have a devastating ripple effect on many government functions that provide essential services. We’re still fighting a pandemic that continues to take lives, and put people out of work. We have roads to fix. Businesses have employees to pay. People have families to feed. How could anyone look at the real issues facing us, then decide to make things even worse for the people who elected them? Instead of working to solve these problems, our national GOP delegation has opted to play politics with peoples’ livelihoods.”

Chairman Hart continued:

“We’ve seen their policies cause market crashes before, but never once have they actively chosen to do it on purpose – until now. Anybody who would throw us over the fiscal cliff, while collecting a paycheck off of your hard-earned money, has absolutely no business serving in elected office. My message to our delegation is: Simply voting ‘no’ isn’t going to cut it. You were sent to Washington to find solutions that will help North Dakotans. Do your job.”
