Dem-NPL Districts 42 & 43 Monthly Meeting

Speedway 805 Grill & Bar 805 N. 42nd Street, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Join us for our first Sister District Monthly meeting! We have lots to talk about and great activities to plan. D43 Representative Zac Ista will talk to us about his recent trips and more: -American Council of Young Political Leaders Trip to Australia sponsored by the State Department -Trip to White HOuse representing States Convening […]

Pints and Politics

Speedway 805 Grill & Bar 805 N. 42nd Street, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Come have a drink and talk about all things politics!   Join the conversation with Jeffrey Powell, candidate for Secretary of State and Tim Lamb, candidate for. Attorney General.

Pints & Politics

Speedway 805 Grill & Bar 805 N. 42nd Street, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Come out and watch Primary returns on Election Night!