Jason Astrup Fundraiser

Rhombus Guys 312 Kittson Ave, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Come Support Tax Commissioner Candidate Jason Astrup on September 15th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Rhombus Guys Pizza

Pizza with Jason Astrup

Rhombus Guys 312 Kittson Ave, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Come support Jason Astrup, North Dakota's next Tax Commissioner on August 12th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Rhombus Pizza in Fargo.

A Slice with George!

Rhombus Guys 312 Kittson Ave, Grand Forks, ND, United States

Please join North Dakota's next U.S. Representative, George B. Sinner, for a slice of pizza! Tuesday, May 13th // 5:30pm to 7:30pm Rhombus Guys 606 Main Ave, Fargo Suggested donations: $100 Friend / $50 Supporter / $35 Donor Please RSVP with J. Morgan Ewing at [email protected] or by phone at (701) 356-4923