Take Action: Call the Gov. and Urge Relief for Renters
FARGO, ND – Working families who are already living month-to-month are suddenly without a paycheck because of COVID-19 disruptions. Many landlords are sending out letters saying rent is due in a few days as if everything was normal. Advocates and organizers on the ground are fighting hard, and we need to stand up for our neighbors.
Yesterday, Rep. Mary Schneider sent a letter urging Gov. Burgum to issue an Executive Order to cease evictions and foreclosures, utility shut-offs, and related fees/penalties to give North Dakotans peace of mind during our public health crisis. Chairwoman Kylie Oversen and the Dem-NPL joined her in that call.
Join the High Plains Fair Housing Center and North Dakota Coalition for Homeless People in calling the governor this weekend.
For more information, visit the event page, which provides a script and contact information, so you can help make sure every North Dakotan can be and feel safe in their own homes.
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