Tag Archive for: Small Business Town Hall North Dakota

Tonight: Covid-19 Relief Small Business Town Hall, RSVP For Dial-in Information 

BISMARCK, ND — Small businesses and their employees are among the hardest hit by the economic fall-out from the covid-19 pandemic. The Dem-NPL is hosting a Small Business Virtual Town Hall tonight, Tuesday, April 21 at 6 p.m. (Central) to discuss the challenges they face as well as actions we can take at the state level.

The event will include legislative/candidate and business owner panels, an open question and comment period, and press availability.

Dem-NPL Legislative Panel

  • House Minority Leader Josh Boschee has represented District 44 in north Fargo since 2012. He is a realtor and serves on the House Budget Section and Legacy Fund Earnings committees. He is a liaison between caucus members, constituents, the governor’s administration, and Republican leadership.
  • Rep. Pam Anderson has represented District 41, in south Fargo, since 2014. She is a retired banker and serves on the House Industry, Business & Labor Committee. She has participated over the past several weeks on statewide and national calls for businesses and financial institutions.
  • Kyle Thorson is running for the state senate in District 18, downtown and north Grand Forks. He owns Archives Coffee House on the UND campus and has been organizing small businesses over the past few weeks to collaboratively advocate to policy makers.

Small Business Owner Panel

  • Sandi Luck is the owner of Bully Brew Coffee with locations in Fargo and Grand Forks.
  • Mary Richter owns the Rockford Cafe in New Rockford and is proprietor along with her daughter Tiffany Schaefer.
  • Chris Tello owns Terra Nomad, a cafe, concept store, and caterer in downtown Bismarck.

Press are Invited to Attend

The public and press are invited to attend. Please email alex.rohr@demnpl.com to RSVP, request log-in information, send questions in advance, or request a 1 on 1 interview with any panelists. Reporters are asked to hold their questions to the Q&A at the end.

