Tag Archive for: Shari Orser

Dem-NPL candidates and lawmakers reflect on Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision

June 24, 2024

FARGO – Today is the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade. This triggered North Dakota’s severe abortion ban. The Dobbs decision has also laid the groundwork for states to outlaw birth control and IVF.

U.S. Senate Candidate Katrina Christiansen remarked, “ The Dobbs decision was a devastating blow to women’s rights and healthcare. It undermines decades of progress and jeopardizes the health and autonomy of countless women across the nation. When elected to the Senate, I will proudly support the Women’s Health Protection Act to ensure that every woman has the right to make decisions about her own body and access the healthcare she needs.

U.S. House Candidate Trygve Hammer said, “By the logic of Dobbs, who you marry, what you do in your bedroom with another consenting adult, and whether you have access to birth control should be regulated by the states. If we allow them to legislate based on their narrow beliefs, what’s to stop them from encroaching further into our lives?”

Rep. Karla Rose Hanson (D-Fargo) said, “The Dobbs decision was an attack on our freedom. North Dakotans do not want politicians interfering in their deeply personal health care decisions or criminalizing doctors for providing that care. In the wake of Dobbs, extremists are not only passing radical health care bans, they want to limit reproductive services like contraception and in vitro fertilization. All North Dakotans should have the freedom to decide if, when and how to build their families – without politicians involved in those decisions.”

Rep. Liz Conmy (D-Fargo), “It is simply wrong for North Dakota legislators to pick and choose which scenarios are acceptable when women are making decisions about their own bodies. Nobody has the right to force anyone to use their body, against their will, to save the life of someone else. You can’t be forced to donate a kidney, give blood, or even donate organs when you are dead without your personal consent. Women’s reproductive decisions are theirs alone, and do not belong in legislators hands.”

Retired Bismarck OB-GYN and Candidate for District 32 ND House Shari Orser remarked, “ I was deeply saddened and angered by the Dobb’s decision. I have cared for women for many years and have fortunately never had to see the trauma from illegal abortions prior to Roe v Wade. I am very concerned about the health of women going forward as the choices are taken away.

Candidate for District 22 ND House Darrell Hansen said, “The toughest decision a woman might ever have to make, should not be decided by men in the capitol who know absolutely nothing about you. And frankly, these legislators are more likely guided by money than being guided by true conviction, making them wanting control over your body, even worse.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]