Tag Archive for: Labor

Dem-NPL Staff Unionize, Join IAMAW Local 2525

Bismarck, ND –  The Dem-NPL is rooted in the pride that is belonging to a union. That is why today, the Dem-NPL is proud to announce that staff has secured a contract with IAMAW Local 2525. Dem-NPL leaders fight for the working men and women of our communities each and every day, and now, the Dem-NPL has made it clear that we are the party of the people who build North Dakota. With this historic agreement, the Dem-NPL has joined 14 other Democratic state parties in unionizing – and has become the first to do so under the IAMAW.

Dem-NPL staff commented on this historic contract

“The staff of Dem-NPL are thrilled to have reached this agreement with management and IAMAW Local 2525. Our candidates and elected officials have championed the rights of workers in North Dakota since the inception of our party, and today we turned those principles into action. Those who came before us were instrumental in protecting the shared interests of farmers, ranchers, and skilled workers here at home against outside interests. Together, we will write a new chapter in the legacy of labor in North Dakota.”

Dem-NPL Executive Director Michael Taylor commented on the agreement

“The Dem-NPL’s roots and origins are in labor organizing. We are proud to honor, and return to, those roots with this agreement. Unions, and fighting for honest pay for a job well done, are what made North Dakota the premiere place to live in the country. That is why we voluntarily recognized this contract, because we know Dem-NPL staff capture the same hard working spirit as our farmers, grocers and nurses. We also want to thank the IAMAW for dedicating their time to work with us through this process. Myself, Chairman Hart, and all of our dedicated Dem-NPL staff are proud to stand with our union friends and family.”

IAMAW Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway welcomed the Dem-NPL

“I could not be more proud for our new members at the North Dakota Dem-NPL. These men and women are the backbone of the fight for a more just and equitable North Dakota. It only makes sense that they’d join the Fighting Machinists Union, where our motto is ‘justice on the job and service to the community.’ I’d like to especially thank District 5 Directing Business Representative Jeremy Pearson and Grand Lodge Representative Shannon Stucker for all the work they’ve done organizing this group and securing a first contract. Let’s continue the fight for a better life for workers in North Dakota and everywhere.”

IAMAW District 5 Directing Business Representative Jeremy Pearson

“District 5 is thrilled to welcome the staff of the North Dakota Dem-NPL to our great union. We are a powerful voice for workers in North Dakota, across the Midwest and in North America. Our members work in a diverse array of industries, always fighting for a better life for working people. We will bring the same respect and dignity on the job to our proud new members at the Dem-NPL.”