Tag Archive for: Kevin Cramer

Dem-NPL Chair slams Hoeven and Cramer for voting against Right to IVF Act

June 13, 2024

FARGO – Today Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer voted against the Right to IVF Act. This comes after the Alabama Supreme Court effectively outlawed IVF until the legislature amended its anti-abortion law.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “The Democratic Party is the party of families and family values, and we’ve proven it again today. The Right to IVF Act would protect the freedom to access IVF nationwide, ensure North Dakota doctors have the freedom to provide IVF, and lower the cost for treatments. IVF has helped thousands of North Dakotans create the families they want and deserve. The Dobbs decision has had far-reaching ramifications that have made it harder and more dangerous to become pregnant. There is a nationwide effort to rip away access to reproductive health care—including contraception and IVF—if given the chance, and Hoeven and Cramer are complicit in that. That’s why we are asking all pro-family North Dakotans to support Katrina Christiansen for Senate and Trygve Hammer for House, to protect our fundamental rights from Republican big-government interference in our families.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Nico Rios embraced by fellow Republicans after harassing police during DUI arrest

May 8, 2024

FARGO – The North Dakota Young Republicans announced several lawmakers who will be in attendance at their Spring Gala, notable among them is Representative Nico Rios. In December Rios was arrested for driving under the influence. During the arrest the Williston Republican hurled racist and homophobic slurs at police officers. Not only did the North Dakota Democratic-NPL call on him to resign, his own GOP district leadership did as well.

The NDGOP seems to have changed its tune, however, as the event highlights the opportunity to meet Rios alongside Senator Kevin Cramer, GOP Congressional Candidates Rick Becker and Alex Balasz, Public Service Commissioner Randy Christmann, and other Republican lawmakers.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “The lack of accountability from North Dakota Republican Leadership is horrendous. From sexually assaulting minors to crooked real estate deals to homophobic and racist slurs, the Republican Party doesn’t just turn the other cheek, they embrace this behavior. If you want a party that respects the law, it’s time to vote for the Dem-NPL.”

Earlier this week Representative Claire Cory (R-Grand Forks) was also arrested for driving under the influence. On Thursday, Representative Jason Dockter (R-Bismarck) will be sentenced for his criminal conflict-of-interest charge.

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL Endorses Katrina Christiansen for U.S. Senate

April 6, 2024

FARGO – The North Dakota Democratic-NPL has endorsed Katrina Christiansen for U.S. Senate.

“She’s running to win!” said Former Agricultural Commissioner Sarah Vogel, who nominated Christiansen.

“Some people have written off this race — me, a Democrat, a woman, winning a US Senate seat in North Dakota. But those people don’t know me. They don’t know that every hurdle I have encountered in my life is not a roadblock, but a problem to be solved,” remarked Christiansen. She added that her campaign has already raised half a million dollars.

Christiansen emphasized, “Where we defend social security and medicare from vulture capitalists looking to privatize and cut our nation’s safety nets. Our story is better when we restore reproductive rights, when we address the cost of childcare, higher ed, and housing. When we take a balanced approach to securing our border, stopping gun violence and protecting our national security. Our story is better when we lead with solutions like passing a farm bill that doesn’t leave success up to luck.”

Christiansen has rural roots. She graduated high school as valedictorian in Pender, a town of 1,200 people in northeast Nebraska, and has a PhD in Agricultural Engineering. Christiansen has worked as an agricultural engineer and professor.

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Sen. Cramer’s Language is Inexcusable

(BISMARCK, ND) – Sen. Kevin Cramer recently tweeted a derogatory word that has long been considered damaging to people with disabilities and to common decency.

The North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party Chairwoman Kylie Oversen released the following statement condemning the language and Cramer’s attempt at an excuse:

“The use of this word is hurtful, completely disrespectful, and there is no way that it was a mistake. Either he used it intentionally or it is a word the senator uses often enough that his phone has it saved. It is entirely unacceptable for anyone, let alone an elected official, to use this word in any context.”


North Dakota Senators Must Fulfill Their Oath and Vote for a Fair Trial

January 21, 2020


With the impeachment trial of the President under way, the North Dakota Democratic-NPL released the following statement:

North Dakota Democratic-NPL legislators routinely work across the aisle with their Republican colleagues to do the people’s business in Bismarck. North Dakotans expect our representatives in Washington, D.C. to do the same.

As jurors in the president’s impeachment trial, Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer took an oath of impartiality, a vow to abandon partisan politics and follow the truth wherever it leads. But so far, the Senate is rushing through one of the most important trials in American history without a plan to hear witness testimony directly relevant to charges against the president.

Since its founding, the Senate has held 15 impeachment trials. Each time, both sides had the opportunity to present witnesses and evidence because everyone deserves a fair trial, and no one is above the law. A North Dakota jury would promise no less.

But with the trial officially beginning today, it remains unclear if Hoeven and Cramer will entirely abandon their oath. With the trial ongoing and impending votes on the procedural rules, Senators Hoeven and Cramer have the power and the duty to protect the integrity of our democracy and of our Country. North Dakotans deserve representatives who fulfill the oaths they take. We call on Senators Cramer and Hoeven to do the right thing and vote for fairness.
