Tag Archive for: Katrina Christiansen

Dem-NPL candidates and lawmakers reflect on Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision

June 24, 2024

FARGO – Today is the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade. This triggered North Dakota’s severe abortion ban. The Dobbs decision has also laid the groundwork for states to outlaw birth control and IVF.

U.S. Senate Candidate Katrina Christiansen remarked, “ The Dobbs decision was a devastating blow to women’s rights and healthcare. It undermines decades of progress and jeopardizes the health and autonomy of countless women across the nation. When elected to the Senate, I will proudly support the Women’s Health Protection Act to ensure that every woman has the right to make decisions about her own body and access the healthcare she needs.

U.S. House Candidate Trygve Hammer said, “By the logic of Dobbs, who you marry, what you do in your bedroom with another consenting adult, and whether you have access to birth control should be regulated by the states. If we allow them to legislate based on their narrow beliefs, what’s to stop them from encroaching further into our lives?”

Rep. Karla Rose Hanson (D-Fargo) said, “The Dobbs decision was an attack on our freedom. North Dakotans do not want politicians interfering in their deeply personal health care decisions or criminalizing doctors for providing that care. In the wake of Dobbs, extremists are not only passing radical health care bans, they want to limit reproductive services like contraception and in vitro fertilization. All North Dakotans should have the freedom to decide if, when and how to build their families – without politicians involved in those decisions.”

Rep. Liz Conmy (D-Fargo), “It is simply wrong for North Dakota legislators to pick and choose which scenarios are acceptable when women are making decisions about their own bodies. Nobody has the right to force anyone to use their body, against their will, to save the life of someone else. You can’t be forced to donate a kidney, give blood, or even donate organs when you are dead without your personal consent. Women’s reproductive decisions are theirs alone, and do not belong in legislators hands.”

Retired Bismarck OB-GYN and Candidate for District 32 ND House Shari Orser remarked, “ I was deeply saddened and angered by the Dobb’s decision. I have cared for women for many years and have fortunately never had to see the trauma from illegal abortions prior to Roe v Wade. I am very concerned about the health of women going forward as the choices are taken away.

Candidate for District 22 ND House Darrell Hansen said, “The toughest decision a woman might ever have to make, should not be decided by men in the capitol who know absolutely nothing about you. And frankly, these legislators are more likely guided by money than being guided by true conviction, making them wanting control over your body, even worse.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL Chair slams Hoeven and Cramer for voting against Right to IVF Act

June 13, 2024

FARGO – Today Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer voted against the Right to IVF Act. This comes after the Alabama Supreme Court effectively outlawed IVF until the legislature amended its anti-abortion law.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “The Democratic Party is the party of families and family values, and we’ve proven it again today. The Right to IVF Act would protect the freedom to access IVF nationwide, ensure North Dakota doctors have the freedom to provide IVF, and lower the cost for treatments. IVF has helped thousands of North Dakotans create the families they want and deserve. The Dobbs decision has had far-reaching ramifications that have made it harder and more dangerous to become pregnant. There is a nationwide effort to rip away access to reproductive health care—including contraception and IVF—if given the chance, and Hoeven and Cramer are complicit in that. That’s why we are asking all pro-family North Dakotans to support Katrina Christiansen for Senate and Trygve Hammer for House, to protect our fundamental rights from Republican big-government interference in our families.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Two Years After Dobbs Decision Leak, Reproductive Freedom Steamrolled in ND

May 2, 2024

Fargo – Today is the second anniversary of the leak of the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which opened the floodgates to Trump’s extreme abortion bans across the country.

Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn remarked, “Two years ago today, women across North Dakota learned that our trigger law would lead to a total abortion ban. Republican lawmakers are steamrolling reproductive freedom here. Drew Wrigley wants to know if you or a loved one have gone out of state to seek an abortion. Rick Becker and Julie Fedorchak want to take this national and rip away the rights of every woman in America. Some in the NDGOP even want to charge women with murder. Our Democratic NPL candidates want to restore and protect reproductive freedom and health privacy. Merrill Piepkorn, Katrina Christiansen, and Trygve Hammer believe medical decisions should be between patients and doctors, not politicians and their constituents.”

Armstrong’s Ukraine vote is “cowardly” says Dem-NPL Chair

April 22, 2024

FARGO — On Saturday, the House of Representatives passed a bill to provide around $60 million in aid to support Ukraine. All the Democrats present and 101 Republicans voted for the bill, however, a notable “nay” was North Dakota Representative and Gubernatorial candidate Kelly Armstrong.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “Rep. Armstrong’s vote against Ukraine aid is cowardly. The fight to protect democracy isn’t a metaphor for the brave Ukrainians fighting against Putin’s invasion. This war is deeply personal for me—my mother-in-law and father-in-law live in Kyiv. How do I tell my own family that my representative doesn’t have the backbone to stand up for them? Armstrong is putting American and Ukrainian lives on the line as he grovels to extremists in the Republican Party. We need to elect folks like Trygve Hammer and Katrina Christiansen to Congress who will support our allies.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL leaders, candidates react to death of Lloyd Omdahl

April 15, 2024

GRAND FORKS – Former Lieutenant Governor of North Dakota Lloyd Omdahl has died at age 93. Omdahl was appointed as North Dakota Tax Commissioner after the death of J. Arther Engen in 1963, and was appointed Lieutenant Governor after the death of Ruth Meiers in 1987.

U.S. Senate Candidate Katrina Christiansen said, “I am saddened to hear of the passing of Lt. Gov. Lloyd Omdahl. His dedication to public service and his impact on North Dakota will not be forgotten. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time.”

Lt. Governor Candidate Patrick Hart remarked, “Lloyd always thought the legacy fund will be tapped and if so it should be used for societal good such as health care or education.”

Senate Minority Leader Kathy Hogan (D-Fargo) said, “He was a true statesman. He studied issues thoroughly, asked pertinent questions and spoke respectfully to everyone. He loved a good debate on issues and encouraged us to disagree or question his opinions which I did often. Mostly he loved North Dakota, both the land and the people.”

Senator Tim Mathern (D-Fargo) said, “I have worked with Lloyd since first elected to the Senate in 1986 and kept in regular contact until his death at age 93. He was a master at running the ND Senate. He had a way with the rules to assure that a tie between Republicans and Democrats did not let us stalemate like today’s Congress. I think Lloyd’s greatest achievement for North Dakota was his melding of political science and journalism. If democracy survives it is journalism regarding politics that will be our saving grace. Professor Omdahl also possessed a deep religious faith. He never wore it on his sleeve but it guided his ethics in all of his professions. A party in heaven tonight for sure.”

Former Dem-NPL Chair Bob Valeu remarked, “Lloyd was a dear friend. He was my political mentor dating back to 1965. I worked for Lloyd when he served as Tax Commissioner. Lloyd genuinely believed in a representative government. He was a dedicated public servant and worked tirelessly toward perfecting our democracy. Even in his later years he and I would visit, and his advice was uplifting, positive, and right on target. Lloyd was a remarkable figure in North Dakota’s political landscape, he has left an indelible mark on the state. His legacy is one of a dedicated public servant, educator, and writer, and will be remembered by many.”

Gary Holm, who worked in the Link administration wrote, “A friend since 1965, Lloyd was an outstanding public servant, a great professor and a talented columnist. Author of “The Insurgents” about the Dem-NPL merger, he was an early leader and activist in the party. He will be missed by many who knew him and read his column.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Dem-NPL Endorses Katrina Christiansen for U.S. Senate

April 6, 2024

FARGO – The North Dakota Democratic-NPL has endorsed Katrina Christiansen for U.S. Senate.

“She’s running to win!” said Former Agricultural Commissioner Sarah Vogel, who nominated Christiansen.

“Some people have written off this race — me, a Democrat, a woman, winning a US Senate seat in North Dakota. But those people don’t know me. They don’t know that every hurdle I have encountered in my life is not a roadblock, but a problem to be solved,” remarked Christiansen. She added that her campaign has already raised half a million dollars.

Christiansen emphasized, “Where we defend social security and medicare from vulture capitalists looking to privatize and cut our nation’s safety nets. Our story is better when we restore reproductive rights, when we address the cost of childcare, higher ed, and housing. When we take a balanced approach to securing our border, stopping gun violence and protecting our national security. Our story is better when we lead with solutions like passing a farm bill that doesn’t leave success up to luck.”

Christiansen has rural roots. She graduated high school as valedictorian in Pender, a town of 1,200 people in northeast Nebraska, and has a PhD in Agricultural Engineering. Christiansen has worked as an agricultural engineer and professor.

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

Tag Archive for: Katrina Christiansen

Statewide Candidate Meet and Greet


July 26th, 2024 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM | Buffalo Grill, Jamestown

Meet your statewide candidates face-to-face and have your voice heard among local leaders. Candidates, Merrill Piepkorn (Governor), Trygve Hammer (US House), Katrina Christiansen (US Senate), and Timothy Lamb (State Auditor) will be there!

Buffalo Days Parade and Kickball Tournament

All supporters are welcome, from near and far, to enjoy the sites and people of Jamestown! Come explore Jamestown “beyond the Buffalo…” Put a pep in your step as we walk in the parade downtown with District and Statewide Candidates, and cheer on or join some courageous teammates who will take the kickball field near the be-a-utiful Jamestown Reservoir. It’s sure to be a day of fun with good community.

Let’s us know you’re ready to walk or roll in the parade here: https://www.mobilize.us/northdakotademocraticnplparty/event/634766/

To sign up for the kickball team, email [email protected] or call 701-269-7660

US Senate Candidate Katrina Christiansen Fundraiser hosted by Sarah Vogel

Please join us for a fundraiser to support Katrina Christiansen, our next United States Senator from North Dakota. Please email your RSVP to [email protected] to get the address for the fundraiser.

District 20 Barn Dance with music by Merrill Piepkorn for Governor

Supper served, free will donation, no alcohol. Fundraiser for John Pederson, District 20 Senate candidate, with music by Merrill Piepkorn and the Radio Stars. Katrina Christiansen, U.S. Senate candidate, and Trygve Hammer, U.S. House candidate attending. Join us! Bring the whole family for food, fun, and fellowship.

2 miles East of Mayville on Hwy 200, 1.25 miles North on County Rd 12

D45 Annual BBQ

Join us for a family friendly BBQ at Trollwood Park in North Fargo

• Visit with neighbors
• Hear from district leaders
• Enjoy dinner and beverages on us
• Take advantage of the park
• Jot down issues important to you on available forms
• Update contact information with your district

TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 – 5:30-7:30 PM

Districts 44 &45 welcome to attend
[email protected]