Tag Archive for: IVF

Dem-NPL Chair slams Hoeven and Cramer for voting against Right to IVF Act

June 13, 2024

FARGO – Today Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer voted against the Right to IVF Act. This comes after the Alabama Supreme Court effectively outlawed IVF until the legislature amended its anti-abortion law.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn said, “The Democratic Party is the party of families and family values, and we’ve proven it again today. The Right to IVF Act would protect the freedom to access IVF nationwide, ensure North Dakota doctors have the freedom to provide IVF, and lower the cost for treatments. IVF has helped thousands of North Dakotans create the families they want and deserve. The Dobbs decision has had far-reaching ramifications that have made it harder and more dangerous to become pregnant. There is a nationwide effort to rip away access to reproductive health care—including contraception and IVF—if given the chance, and Hoeven and Cramer are complicit in that. That’s why we are asking all pro-family North Dakotans to support Katrina Christiansen for Senate and Trygve Hammer for House, to protect our fundamental rights from Republican big-government interference in our families.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]

North Dakota Democratic-NPL Chair admonishes Alabama IVF ruling

February 23, 2024

FARGO – This week, three health care clinics across the state of Alabama paused in vitro fertilization treatment over fears of prosecution following a ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court that put access to IVF at risk. With North Dakota’s draconian anti-abortion laws, many have expressed concern about the fate IVF here.

Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Gowlwyn remarked, “For many North Dakotans struggling to start the family they’ve dreamed of having, IVF is a miracle. This attack on IVF is a direct result of Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices overturning Roe v. Wade. Last year, North Dakota was on the forefront of some of the most intrusive legislation when it came to personal medical decisions like gender affirming care and abortion. We know that the forced-birthers of the ND Republican lawmakers are going to come for IVF here next, and eventually all other forms of contraception as well. Democrats, as always, stand for individual liberty and freedom—the freedom to make medical decisions with your doctor, not have them dictated to you by legislators.”

Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
[email protected]