Tag Archive for: Doug Burgum. North Dakota governor

The Wait Continues for Unemployment Benefit Payments

BISMARCK, ND — Today Gov. Burgum said unemployment benefit payments for those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic might finally be sent to North Dakotans next week.

Last month, groups of distressed renters, advocacy organizations, nonprofits, and the Dem-NPL urged the governor to sign an executive order and moratorium on evictions, late rental fees, and foreclosures. Renters asked for security to know that they could stay in their homes through the pandemic and that they wouldn’t go into debt while they’re out of work through no fault of their own.

On March 30, Burgum declined this request and told renters they would be in better shape after federal relief programs took effect. During that time, many small business owners and independent contractors have been unable to access PPP loans and many others have been unable to receive unemployment payments leaving them worried about their financial security.

Democratic-NPL Chairwoman Kylie Oversen said:

“Job Service has a challenging job and we know they’re working hard with an outdated system, but many North Dakotans are hanging on by a thread. A month ago, the governor indicated support was on the way, but today he said to keep waiting. Our workers and families deserve something tangible.”
