2024 North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party Platform & Resolutions As Approved by Convention Delegates on April 8, 2024
We are members of the North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party (Dem-NPL) who together work to build an ethical government emphasizing priorities that will create a better tomorrow for all North Dakotans.
The Dem-NPL supports sound economic policies that prioritize families, organized labor, agriculture, and a living wage and that will build North Dakota’s future.
The Dem-NPL believes in the individual’s right to freedom, equality, and justice through the fair and equitable treatment of all persons.
The Dem-NPL leads in building strong, safe communities; quality, affordable healthcare and family support services; accessible emergency services; and respect for our veterans.
The Dem-NPL believes in Democracy, the Constitutions of the United States and of North Dakota, living up to the principles laid out in our founding documents, and in our responsibility to promote these values in the global theatre.
The Dem-NPL works to provide opportunities for future generations through quality education, sustainable industrial and energy practices, and sound economic development.
The Dem-NPL works to provide opportunities for the future generations through quality education and sound economic development.
Sound economic policies to build North Dakota’s future
The Dem-NPL supports sound economic policies that prioritize families, organized labor, agriculture, and a living wage and that will build North Dakota’s future.
The Dem-NPL supports economic stability for ranchers and farmers and advocates for a future in which family farmers, ranchers, and their rural communities are respected, valued, and enjoy prosperity by supporting the following:
1) a farm bill enacted by the Congress of the United States that ensures fair pricing and material support for family farmers, ranchers, and their rural communities;
2) insurance products that are justly regulated such that they provide a safety net for family farms and ranches;
3) publicly-funded research and agricultural extension programs that support conventional, non-traditional, and sustainable grain and livestock family farm production; and
4) both federal and state support of local business ventures that enhance the incomes of farm and ranch families and their rural communities such as North Dakota’s APUC and USDA’s rural development loan and grant programs.
5) continued, effective administration of grant and loan programs protecting new and existing local meat processing operations as a means to improve: rural economies, food safety, and availability.
6) both federal and state support of local business ventures that enhance the incomes of farm and ranch families and their rural communities such as North Dakota’s APUC and USDA’s rural development loan and grant programs.
7) the existing North Dakota corporate farming law.
8) the mission statement of both the ND Mill and Elevator and the Bank of North Dakota to support agriculture, commerce, and industry.
9) local and regional agricultural cooperatives that are democratically controlled, have open membership, and express care for community.
10) the ability of local political subs to establish zoning ordinances to address siting of large animal feeding operations that will affect residents within those jurisdictions.
11) an adequality funded nutrition title in the farm bill that ensures that all person share in the bounty produced by America’s farm and ranch families.
12)the research and development of renewables fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel,
renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel.
13) Antitrust enforcement of the monopolistic concentration and resultant price manipulation of farm inputs and production.
14) country of origin labeling
Business, Labor, and Economic and Workforce Development
The Dem-NPL supports initiatives for the development of entrepreneurial small business in rural and urban areas across the state. Cognizant of expected changes in the fossil fuels sector, now is the time for economic changes in coal and oil counties, and the State of North Dakota should expand efforts to encourage, support, and expand economic diversification, local opportunities, and workforce development so that communities can shape their future with high paying jobs and income.
1) The Dem-NPL supports the study of the feasibility of additional state-operated
2) The Dem-NPL supports a partnership between the state and the five Tribal Governments in the development of a Tribal Economic Development Plan.
3) The Dem-NPL supports funding and infrastructure for Economic Development of small businesses in smaller towns and cities.
4) To encourage business creation and fair access, the Dem-NPL supports broadband equality for all and the reinstatement of a free and open internet through net neutrality.
5) Businesses in North Dakota can only succeed when employees have access to reliable, safe, high-quality childcare to ensure workers. The Dem-NPL supports intentional investment in childcare availability.
6) The Dem-NPL supports our Congressional delegation doing all it can to restore a reliable and viable postal service, which includes Saturday delivery.
Salary, Wages, and Union Participation
The Dem-NPL supports fair labor policies for all workers’ rights including a living wage, a safe workplace, and quality affordable healthcare for their families. The Dem-NPL supports local, state, and federal policies that address poverty.
The Dem-NPL asserts it is time to increase the minimum wage, both at the federal level and at the state level. All the states and provinces that border North Dakota have state-approved minimum wage laws that exceed the paltry level of pay mandated by the federal minimum wage.
1) The Dem-NPL asserts it is time for the North Dakota legislature to increase the minimum wage. A family of two – one parent, one child – requires $10.10/hour – to achieve poverty level income. Implementing an annual cost of living adjustments indexed to actual inflation is consistent with neighboring states.
In addition to action through legislative means, the best way to increase wages and benefits is to make it easier for employees to unionize and for unions to represent all employees in unionized businesses.
2) The Dem-NPL supports the passage of the Pro-Act.
3) The Dem-NPL calls for the repeal of North Dakota’s status as a “Right to Work” state. Such a designation is both disingenuous and harmful to all citizens of the state.
4) The Dem-NPL supports bringing back the Project Labor Agreement, paying prevailing wages in state construction projects. (i.e., the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931.)
State supported protections for workers should be easy to access and should ensure North Dakotas have help at moments of need.
5) The Dem-NPL supports passage of an Injured Workers Bill of Rights, which would include support wrap-around services (mental and physical needs of the injured worker).
6) The Dem-NPL supports substantial revisions in the Workforce Safety and
Insurance (WSI) program to include volunteer first responders and firefighters.
7) The Dem-NPL understands the term “Locked-Out Workers” and supports a change in the ND Century Code that specifies, when a worker is barred from the premises preventing the employee from performing the tasks they were hired to do, the worker will be eligible for unemployment compensation.
8) The Dem-NPL supports enforcement of legislation that penalizes employers who exploit undocumented workers and their situation.
9) The Dem-NPL supports restoring the state retirement and pension program that provided a defined benefit plan for teachers and public employees; and supports maintaining separate retirement systems for public employees (PERS) and educators (TFFR), in addition to keeping them as a defined benefit plan.
10) The Dem-NPL supports reimbursing service providers the full cost of providing care to people with disabilities, behavioral health needs, foster care, and other care needs.
Finally, to ensure their control over local governing boards, the Legislature in 2019 struck down the ability to local governing bodies to enact minimum wage standards for North Dakota communities. This action violates expectations of local control.
11) The Dem-NPL calls for the repeal of NDCC Chapter 34-06 restricting local governing boards to address the needs of their communities.
We celebrate the historic investments in infrastructure and the nation and in North Dakota delivered by the Biden-Harris administration. Eighteen North Dakota cities and counties received in excess of $252 million. These projects will benefit the people of North Dakota for generations. The Dem NPL believes in ongoing investment in infrastructure to support business and community needs.
The Dem-NPL supports a significant increase in funding for transportation infrastructure.
The Dem-NPL supports repairing and rebuilding our roads and bridges with a focus on resilience, climate change mitigation, equity, and safety for all users.
The Dem-NPL supports helping to connect every North Dakotan to reliable high-speed internet.
The Dem-NPL supports preparing more of our infrastructure for the impacts of climate change, cyber attacks, and extreme weather events.
The Dem-NPL supports increased public transportation with a focus on providing to seniors, the disabled, and healthcare needs, including electric and renewable options.
The Dem- NPL supports the establishment of passenger rail, including high-speed rail where feasible.
The Dem-NPL supports all North Dakotan communities having clean, affordable, and safe drinking water as a human right.
The Dem-NPL supports the development of a network of electric charging stations, updating vehicle and traffic codes to safely incorporate driverless vehicles.
The Dem-NPL supports funding and promotion of biking trails, and protect cyclists’ rights to the road.
The Dem-NPL supports the subsidy of small regional airports. be eligible for unemployment compensation.
Quality of Life
North Dakotans work to care for their family, but there are occasions when time is the critical resource families need.
1) The Dem-NPL supports paid family leave that would provide up to 12 weeks of partial wage replacement leave for the birth or adoption of a child, parenting, or care of a seriously ill family member.
The Dem-NPL advocates for affordable, stable, and accessible housing in North Dakota and supports programs that incentivize private-sector construction of affordable housing in urban, suburban, and rural areas.
2) We propose measures to increase housing supply, particularly affordable units, and address economic, racial, and urban/rural disparities.
3) We support investing in the Housing Trust Fund and expanding the Low-Income
Housing Tax Credit.
We believe in programs, targeted construction, or housing assistance with a goal of ensuring housing at a cost to North Dakota families that does not exceed 30% of income.
The Dem-NPL recognizes affordable, accessible, and high-quality childcare must be
available for all families, such that working parents and their employers can meet their demands.
4) The Dem-NPL supports targeted policies and investments to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. The Dem-NPL seeks to implement policies that lead to safe and enriching childcare for all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, aiming to expand services in underserved communities and rural areas.
5) To address the financial burden of childcare, the Dem-NPL supports policies such as subsidies, tax credits, and sliding-scale fee structures, along with raising wages for childcare workers.
6) Childcare providers are central to any program that is viable or sustainable, and the Dem-NPL supports continuous, professional development opportunities for providers and initiatives to improve working conditions at childcare programs in our communities.
Individual freedoms equitable treatment of all persons
Our values statement is clear: the Dem-NPL believes in the individual’s right to freedom, equality, and justice through the fair and equitable treatment of all persons.
Human Rights
The Dem-NPL supports defending the rights of each individual to live up to their full
potential, thus promoting ways to build peace, protecting democracy, championing
human rights defenders, and safeguarding all North Dakotans. We support the
work of the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition and support the development of
a stand-alone Commission on Human Rights to nurture respect and dignity.
People of Color and Native Americans
The Dem-NPL affirms the value of people of color and Native Americans, promotes anti-racism education, and denounces racism and all forms of bigotry and intolerance.
The Dem-NPL affirms our sacred obligation to our Native American population, honoring the land on which they first lived, the treaties and federal statutes, and acknowledging past and current injustices which destroy Native American economies, social and religious systems, and compound intergenerational trauma.
Religious Freedom
The Dem-NPL values religious freedom for all and rejects the misuse of religion to discriminate.
Persons with Disabilities
The Dem-NPL seeks ways to end discrimination against all persons with disabilities and advocate for complete access to quality healthcare and programs for all.
Sexual Violence and Violence against the Vulnerable
The Dem-NPL denounces all forms of youth and adult sexual assault, gender-based violence, human trafficking, and all forms of violence against Native American women and children. We support adequate funding for programs supporting Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Persons.
LGBTQ+ youth and adults
To ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ youth and adults, the Dem-NPL opposes discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Dem-NPL strenuously objects to the culture of fear and exclusion accelerated by members of the North Dakota legislature. In the last legislative session, 21 discriminatory bills were introduced with the intent of targeting LGBTQ+ and depriving these North Dakotans of common liberties to which we all should enjoy.
Hate Crime Designation
The Dem-NPL supports enactment of hate crime legislation and condemns the rhetoric and illegal activities of hate groups and supremacists.
Data Privacy Rights
The Dem-NPL supports data privacy rights and opposes the exploitation of people by any entity that claims the human experience as free raw material for hidden commercial purposes of extraction, prediction, and sales.
More than 100 years after some women gained the right to vote, women in the US continue to face inequities based on sex and gender. Despite the significant advances made in recent decades, there have also been enormous roadblocks to progress and devastating steps backward.
Pay Equity
Gender equality and equal rights are not just a matter of equity; they are also of paramount economic importance. Narrowing the gender gap in labor markets could directly improve the lives of families and lifts economic activities in the communities in which these families live The Dem-NPL calls for all activity that raises pay for women and addresses pay equity for women in the State of North Dakota.
Constitutional Equality
One hundred years after the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced to constitutionally protect equal rights under the law regardless of sex, our Constitution still does not protect against sex discrimination. The ERA has met all ratification requirements and must be published. It will provide the judicial branch with a vital tool to combat discrimination, protect against the rollback of equal rights, and pave the way for additional legislative progress.
In 2021, the North Dakota legislature shamefully reneged on the promise of political equity to women in North Dakota. The Dem-NPL believes in equality for all, and the language of the ERA plainly supports that women should share in equality. We reject the legitimacy of the resolution – conducted in the House of Representatives without a recorded vote – to revoke North Dakota’s support of the ERA.
Reproductive Freedom
In 2022, the US Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the constitutional right to abortion and removing a fundamental right that women and others who can become pregnant held for nearly 50 years. As Congress has failed to codify the right of reproductive choices, one year after Dobbs, nearly half of all states are enforcing more limited abortion restrictions than before the ruling. This has had a devastating impact on people’s health and lives, which will only worsen.
The Dem-NPL rejects the premise and the actions of those who have taken action to restrict freedom of reproductive health decisions. After the fall of Roe, there are those who wish to further institutionalize the limitations on liberty seen in conservative-led states. It is a lie that abortions are commonplace after a fetus has reached viability, and the existence of prohibitions on medically-necessary abortion services endangers lives. A person seeking an abortion prior to viability should be free to act without governmental interference.
1) The Dem-NPL asserts “the trigger” law, passed in 2013 with additional restrictions on abortion passed in 2023, stand contrary to the American values of freedom and liberty and should be repealed.
2) The Dem-NPL recognizes the people of the state were asked their opinion of abortion in 2016, and 2/3 of voters indicated abortion should be accessible, legal, and outside of the management of politicians.
3) The Dem-NPL advocates for unambiguous state laws affirming Invetrofertilization practices by medical providers in the state, holding clear freedom-from-prosecution any person involved in IVF protocols, which necessarily include the destruction of certain fertilized embryos, the selective abortion of multiple successful implantations, and the medical care afforded pregnant persons consistent with contemporary medical science.
4) The Dem-NPL advocates for decisions regarding the use of Progesterone blocker should be the purview of medical professionals and any ban of such medicines is an overreach of government.
The Dem-NPL affirms offering hospitality to refugees fleeing violence, providing them with opportunities for growth and success in our state. We support strengthening relationships between community members, seeking ways to end racial and ethnic profiling. We believe the United States is stronger and more vibrant because of its diversity and should be a beacon of hope for those suffering violence and injustice in the world. The Dem-NPL supports vigorous border security and simultaneously supports a humane immigration system that offers eligible persons effective and expedient pathways to citizenship We support the awarding of visas in a manner that is responsive to labor market needs, one that gives immigrants a sense of purpose to their lives and a means to utilize their talents and skills for the betterment of our communities.
1) The Dem-NPL supports efforts to make changes to work visa laws and systems in order to shorten the time those coming to our country have to wait to enter the workforce.
2) The Dem-NPL supports efforts in ND to make the state a safe and welcoming place for immigrants, migrants, and refugees to resettle.
3) The Dem-NPL opposes regulation of immigration based on race or religious affiliation.
4) The Dem-NPL supports the DREAM Act and other efforts and legislation which offers a pathway to citizenship for those who enjoyed eligibility in the DACA program.
5) The Dem-NPL calls for Congress to Act on a new Immigration Law. The Dem-NPL supports legislation and revisions to the immigration system which result in a more humane and efficient system.
Strong, safe communities with Quality Support Services
The Dem-NPL leads in building strong, safe communities with quality, affordable healthcare, and family support services, accessible emergency services, and meaningful and responsive programs demonstrating respect for our veterans.
Affordable, Quality Healthcare
The Dem-NPL believes all people deserve to enjoy the highest standard of health possible. Without good health, adults’ ability to work and children’s ability to learn and attend school is compromised. To support good health, quality, affordable, comprehensive health care should be accessible by all people, including care for acute and chronic health conditions, long term care, mental health services and substance abuse treatment, reproductive healthcare, and nutritional care. High quality health care should center around the individual patient and be responsive to their needs and values.
1) The Dem-NPL supports individuals’ rights to make personal choices related to their own healthcare without government interference.
2) The Dem-NPL supports building on existing laws to improve health care affordability and to expand access to health care, with the eventual goal of universal health care.
3) The Dem-NPL asserts the state of North Dakota shall have no access to regularly protected medical information (ie HIPAA).
4) The Dem-NPL supports medically accurate sexual health education in schools, with a goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
5) The Dem-NPL supports increased statewide access to Behavioral Health services, including treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance addictions.
6) The Dem-NPL supports the continuation of the equalization of rates system in nursing facilities, keeping Medicaid and self-pay rates the same.
7) The Dem-NPL supports all necessary steps to ensure that veterans of the US Armed Services receive the health care and related services they need in a timely manner.
8) The Dem-NPL supports state-provided financial assistance for those training in mental healthcare fields of study.
9) The Dem-NPL supports legislation authorizing the United States government to negotiate all pharmaceutical prices.
10) The Dem-NPL supports increasing support for regional and tribal addiction treatment centers and mental health and substance abuse treatment.
11) The Dem-NPL supports policies that eliminate prejudice against the LGBTQ+
community, in particular those persons who require medication for gender affirming care. Individuals, and for children their parents, should be allowed to make medical decisions with their healthcare providers without interference from the government.
12) The Dem-NPL advocates for the passage of laws under which any medical provider who determines the need is medically appropriate and consistent with national licensing board standards and subsequently performs an abortion shall be free from prosecution.
Honoring our Veteran
The People of the United States owe a continuing and sacred debt to those who service in the nation’s armed services, and the Dem-NPL affirms that. The Dem-NPL supports veterans receiving the care and benefits they have earned increasing veteran educational benefits and job training, and fighting to end chronic homelessness.
Services that help veterans reintegrate into society following their years of service and services that provide homeownership or rental assistance, physical and mental healthcare, educational support and family support, and services routinely managed through the state should always be cognizant of how delivery of services to veterans can be more easily accessed or made more robust should be explored.
Valuing our Seniors
We value our elders and recognize the importance their perspective and life experiences bring to our society. The Dem-NPL supports programs for seniors that enhance their lives and living situations, especially their ability to live independently, secure affordable housing and prescription drugs, and work against elder abuse and exploitation.
We believe that all people regardless of age deserve respect, and that lifelong opportunities to work, volunteer, learn, be engaged with others, and serve in leadership roles give them dignity while helping to protect elders from isolation, discrimination, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We believe in a retirement and an old age that provides financial and medical security gives seniors the peace of mind needed to live life to its fullest and enjoy the last chapters of their lives.
1) We support affordable quality health care for all.
2) We support fair prescription drug coverage for all.
3) We support the protection of the Medicare program.
4) We support the protection of the Social Security program.
5) We support safe, livable communities where seniors can feel secure.
6) We support protection for vulnerable adults.
7) We support easy access for seniors to critical life services, e.g., healthcare, transportation, groceries, and maintenance costs that make it possible for elders to stay in their own homes.
8) We support affordable and quality housing options for seniors with medical and personal care needs.
9) We support programs which help train caregivers and bring more into the workforce to care for the growing older population.
10) We support protection for seniors against discrimination by employers in hiring practices and while employed.
11) We support the expansion of education and training in the use of tools that safeguard individuals’ personal end-of-life choices.
12) Retirement communities and nursing homes are economic drivers in many rural North Dakota cities and towns, and the jobs these centers bring require training and support. The Dem-NPL supports programs that provide training and resources that keep seniors in homes near their families to encourage ongoing connections late in life.
13) The Dem-NPL encourages communities with retirement communities and nursing homes to seek ways to keep seniors involved in local municipal and schools related events. Their wisdom and knowledge of history can enrich the lives of the residents of North Dakota towns and cities.
Public Safety
The Dem-NPL recognizes public safety as a primary element of good government. Accordingly, the Dem-NPL is committed programs that enhancing public safety.
Rural Barriers to Emergency Preparedness and Response
Rural communities may face barriers as they prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. Barriers vary from community to community. Chief among these barriers generally include resource and funding limitations. When agencies involved in emergency response, such as emergency medical services (EMS), fire departments, and rural public health agencies, are underfunded, response capacity is impacted because of limited resources, including equipment, staff, and training; limited laboratory services; and limited capacity for assessment and evaluation.
Even in North Dakota’s populous cities, limitations exist. The Dem-NPL supports all efforts to provide guidance and assistance to encourage public safety services and utilities in both rural communities and North Dakota’s cities.
Communication Infrastructure
Rural areas may not have adequate systems in place to communicate with first responders, emergency managers, and the public in a timely and efficient manner during an emergency. This includes public warning systems and communication channels that can reach all residents.
1) The Dem-NPL urges the rapid implementation of telecommunication upgrades, including those provided for through the Biden-Harris Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, such that rural communities have better internet, better emergency notification systems, and the means to have better emergency service communications.
Access to Healthcare Services
Rural areas often have healthcare provider shortages in primary and specialized care services. This is a barrier during emergency response, particularly for addressing surge capacity. Rural residents also are impacted by social determinants of health, such as transportation, that make it more difficult to access healthcare services, including during an emergency or disaster.
2) The Dem-NPL recognizes the precarious nature of rural health care, and in particular the presence of emergency rooms, clinics, and pharmacies, and the difficulty of paying for these. Continued protection of programs such as the Affordable Care Act guarantee access to health care in rural North Dakota and we will continue to advocate for these on a national and state level.
Social Determinants of Health
Rural communities commonly experience barriers and challenges related to the social determinants of health. These include, for example, access to clean water, healthy food, safe housing, reliable and affordable transportation, healthcare services, and employment, challenges that are more daunting during an emergency or disaster.
3) The Dem-NPL will continue to advocate for local authorities and county emergency coordinators to plan to organize response plans to situations that could have substantial impact on rural communities.
Laboratory Services
Rural areas are often underserved by laboratory testing services. Public health laboratories, which operate at the federal, state, and local levels, are a shared resource, and rural areas may experience challenges with sending specimens and receiving results in a timely manner.
4) The Dem-NPL advocates for an increase in lab capacity in both publicly funded labs for small health centers and for access to labs in times of crisis within the large hospitals networks that exist in North Dakota.
Criminal Courts
The Dem-NPL recognizes calls for public safety have historically been used to apply
punishment to scenarios where protective, restorative, or rehabilitation initiatives would have been less expensive, less disruptive to the lives of those involved, and more effective.
1) The Dem-NPL advocates for expanded access and continued support of the adult drug court program, recognizing these programs have protocols leading to full expungement of non-violent drug offenses.
2) The Dem-NPL advocates for state-funded regional substance abuse treatment programs as an alternative to incarceration for persons convicted of nonviolent drug violations and an increase in the support of regional and tribal addiction treatment programs and centers.
3) The Dem-NPL advocates for the licensing of noncorporate, non-monopolized cannabis providers and for the individual right to grow cannabis for personal use.
4) To address immediate instances of persons overdosed on Opioids, the Dem-NPL advocates for access to and availability in public buildings providing Naloxone and fentanyl testing strips.
5) To assist peace officers as they work to keep the public safe, the Dem-NPL calls for funding of research to develop useful tests for law enforcement to detect impairment due to an excessive use of controlled substances.
The Dem-NPL advocates for modest changes that will affect the safety of North Dakotans.
1) A state-funded program that makes trigger locks available to those who will use them.
2) Increased 211 funding to address suicidality.
3) The Dem-NPL asserts North Dakota should fully comply with the requirements of National Criminal Instant Background Check System.
The Dem-NPL recognizes there are professions that affect the safety of North Dakotans.
1) The Dem-NPL supports railroad safety and will oppose any possible legislation to restrict railroad engine personnel to only one person.
2) During times of emergency, EMS workers carry enormous responsibility. The Dem- NPL supports moving all EMS responders to paid status statewide.
Protecting and Perfecting American democracy
The Dem-NPL believes in Democracy, the Constitutions of the United States and of North Dakota, living up to the principles laid out in our founding documents, and in our responsibility to promote these values in the global theatre.
Free and Fair Elections
The Dem-NPL consistently stands for free and fair elections, elections in which citizens have confidence their votes are counted.
1) The Dem-NPL supports a constitutional amendment to reverse the “Citizens United” Supreme Court Decision.
2) The Dem-NPL opposes proposed changes to the citizens’ State Constitutional rights to the powers of Initiative, Referendum, or Recall.
3) The Dem-NPL supports the removal of documented procedural barriers that disenfranchise or discourage any eligible voter in North Dakota, in particular those members and residents of Tribal Lands in North Dakota.
4) The Dem-NPL supports a constitutional amendment to create a non-partisan citizen-driven redistricting commission.
Finally, there are those who would change the nature of our elections system to introduce human error and be responsive to the illicit bias of some. To ensure ballot access to all eligible persons and to ensure ballots are counted accurately.
1) The Dem-NPL embraces the options currently available in North Dakota’s voting practices – voting by mail, delivering a ballot to your county auditor, and traditional voting at polling stations.
2) The Dem-NPL embraces current checks and balances in our ballot administration system, a system that decentralize election counting processes to County Administrators, who are elected and who act under the direction of County Commissions and whose ballot counting and tabulation processes are approved by Canvassing Boards, party-designated citizens of the respective county who are instrumental to fair elections; and
3) The Dem-NPL supports audits, as appropriate, to underscore the election processes have been conducted fairly and completely; and
4) the production and retention of paper copies of ballots for auditing and canvassing purposes.
5) The Dem-NPL opposes all actions that remove authority regarding tabulation from County Auditors to the Legislature.
Responsive Government
Democrats are proud of the contribution our policies have made to America. It is
Democrats who introduced contemporary safety net programs that serve to protect people from “uncertainties brought on by unemployment, illness, disability, death and old age.”
Programs such as Social Security and Medicare are vital to many Americans’ economic security. A solid and all-inclusive financial safety net is vital to a healthy society.
1) The Dem-NPL opposes all efforts to privatize Social Security; and
2) to strengthen Social Security, the Dem-NPL supports an increase, in, or the elimination of, the cap on taxable earnings for Social Security taxes.
3) The Dem-NPL opposes all efforts to weaken Medicare.
4) The Dem-NPL expects allowing the Ethics Commission to act in a manner that is a truer reflection of the intent of the Measure voted in by citizens.
Foreign Policy
Federal international policies are of vital interest to the citizens of North Dakota. The Dem-NPL supports the lawful use of all four elements of national power: diplomacy, information, military, and economics.
1) The Dem-NPL recognizes the commitment made to the people of Ukraine, and supports the President in our continued support of their fight for freedom.
2) The Dem-NPL is cognizant of recent activities by President Biden, linking a cessation of war to ongoing military support. We applaud the President and support his efforts to promote the protection of innocent citizens of Palestine.
3) The Dem-NPL recognizes the conflict in Haiti may require additional support from the United States and supports the President in bring peace to this long-troubled nation.
Future generations: education, sustainable industrial and energy
practices, and sound economic development
The Dem-NPL works to provide opportunities for the future generations through quality education, sustainable industrial and energy practices, and sound economic development.
We believe all teachers and students must have access to resources, programming, and peer reviewed materials to have a well-rounded educational experience which will grow the future of North Dakota.
The Dem-NPL supports subsidies for post-secondary education to and for North Dakota high school graduates attending North Dakota Universities, Colleges, and Trade Schools.
The Dem-NPL supports the development of additional vocational and technical programs, summer school programs, resources for high quality libraries and other non-traditional approaches to education, lifelong learning, concentrated STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) activities, to develop critical thinking skills for all age groups.
The Dem-NPL supports funding of public education such that classroom sizes remain small and that retaining and recruiting teachers is practical. Compensation for all educators and support staff should be at a rate that is regionally and nationally competitive. We support full funding for all public-school districts, including providing universal early childhood education and the expansion of Head Start, English Language Learners, and job training for all New Americans and immigrants.
The Dem-NPL wants education to be affordable for future and past students. Forgiveness of excessive lending practices connected to past student loan programs prevents young professionals from activities that promote safe and vibrant communities, such as beginning a family and purchasing a home.
The Dem-NPL is committed to providing an inclusive safe and supportive school
environment for all students and staffs, comprised of before and after school learning programs, funding for the local portion of special education consistent with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), and support professionals such as adequate health services providers and social workers.
The Dem-NPL supports collective bargaining rights for all educators and support professionals.
The Dem-NPL opposes any action that directs public funds to private schools.
The Dem-NPL supports instruction of Native American peer-reviewed materials to all students in public and non-public schools in North Dakota; to include the everyday tribal culture, language, and teachings of the past, present, and future.
The Dem-NPL recognizes proper nutrition as a requirement for physical development and learning and supports:
1) fully funded hot lunches for all public-school students through grade 12.
2) fully funded milk programs for elementary school students.
3) fully funded alternative lunches for medically-required diet and cultural restrictions.
Energy, Environment, & Natural Resources
The Dem-NPL believes global climate change poses an existential threat to our planet, and that a primary cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels. While our Party acknowledges fossil fuel industries have helped grow the state’s economy and created wealth for future generations, we urge the State of North Dakota to be a global leader in the production of renewable energy. We support a comprehensive energy plan that includes wind and solar power with investment in technologies to improve the efficacy of these alternative power sources combined with worker transition/training programs to fill new clean energy jobs and tax credits to promote renewables and energy conservation. Our Party encourages all North Dakotans to conserve energy whenever possible at home, at work, on the farm, and on the road.
Energy and Environment
The abundance of natural resources has made North Dakota one of the top energy
producing states in the nation with potential to grow. The Democratic-NPL Party of North Dakota recognizes the significant role oil and coal industries have played in the state by furthering job growth, revitalizing communities, improving infrastructure, growing the state’s economy, and creating wealth for future generations. Our Party is committed to ensuring that oil and coal industries meet stringent production and transportation safety standards. Our Party shall work to see that the State of North Dakota routinely monitors all aspects of these industries to keep workers and citizens safe and to protect our air, land, and water from harm.
The Dem-NPL believes global climate change caused by carbon dioxide emissions is real and poses an existential threat. North Dakota should be a world leader in the production of alternative sources of energy. Our Party supports a comprehensive plan to lead the nation in renewable energy, especially wind and solar power, with investment in technologies to improve the efficacy of these energy sources, combined with worker transition/training programs to fill clean energy jobs and tax credits to promote renewables and energy conservation. Our Party encourages all North Dakotans to conserve energy whenever possible at home, at work, on the farm, and on the road.
Fossil Fuels/Biofuels
1. We support a comprehensive state policy from initial development to retirement of facilities on oil and gas drilling that addresses impacts on air, land, water, wildlife, housing, and infrastructure.
2. We support state and federal legislation requiring environmental responsibility first and foremost in all aspects of energy development. Our party supports strict enforcement of existing rules and regulations for energy producers, and meaningful compensatory and other penalties for violations. We recognize current law and practice requires an insufficient bond upon wells, such that out-of-state drilling corporations abandon wells, end production, and leave environmental devastation. We call on a candid examination of the cost of well closure, site renovation, and secondary environmental reclamation. Damage and land reclamation costs during and following energy development must be borne by energy producers.
3. We support the prohibition of oil and gas drilling near and under tribal historic preservation sites; other sacred sites; burial sites; national and state parks; national and state historic sites; back country recreation areas; wildlife and waterfowl areas; and other similarly designated areas. Our party supports the prohibition of surface easements and all industrial activity associated with these sites and areas. The Dem-NPL firmly advocates for policies and practices supporting landowners’ rights.
4. We support state and federal legislation requiring oil and gas producers using the drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to fully and publicly disclose those chemicals contained in the injection fluid.
5. We oppose the use of fresh water from aquifers for hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Our party contends that water from aquifers must be preserved for use by farming and ranching families.
6. We support state legislation prohibiting oil producers from flaring natural gas with significant penalties for noncompliance; at a minimum, royalties and taxes should be paid on flared gas with no such thing as negative value gas. Gas not run through a flare should have an additional environmental damage fee.
7. We support timely, substantive, and uniform inspections of saltwater disposal wells, pipelines, and other facilities and an immediate closure of those that violate current standards.
8. We support increased oversight and strict enforcement of regulations pertaining to toxic and radioactive waste disposal. Our party supports state constitutional safeguards for local jurisdictions and landowners to approve or deny waste disposal facilities within their domains. We support rigorous safeguards for tracking, disposing, and containing toxic and radioactive waste materials.
9. We demand that any expansion or modernization of pipelines, transmission lines, and any additional oil refining capacity be accomplished in an environmentally and culturally responsible manner, and that an “exit plan” be approved by the State of North Dakota for repurposing their “footprint” for environmentally-neutral activities or for renewable energy production.
10. We oppose the collection and storage of carbon and other waste products in our state. Our party opposes the use of carbon offsets by fossil fuel producers as a method of mitigating damage to the environment while continuing “business as usual.”
11. We oppose the use of eminent domain as a technique for securing access to property for private industry projects.
12. We support “pre-bonding” by and commercial liability insurance policies for energy producers instead of “self-bonding” for spills, incidents, and remediation. Producers with spill records should not be allowed to continue operating until spills are cleaned and the land is returned to its original condition.
13. We urge the state legislature to fund a comprehensive study of unitization laws to protect mineral owners, including those mineral rights owned by the State of North Dakota, to make unitization for secondary recovery only. Unitization should not void existing leases.
14. We support environmental testing of air, land, and water prior to the development of new refineries or processing structures. Our party endorses comprehensive site reviews and Public Service Commission public hearings prior to construction and at retirement of oil refineries.
15. In cases where the contamination from energy development makes mortgages on land difficult or impossible to obtain from commercial sources. We support a State Bank program to provide for mortgages on that land while the state cleans up the contamination.
16. We demand that the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources hold all energy producers accountable for adhering to the law, and that the Department quit acting as a mouthpiece and head cheerleader for the fossil fuel industry.
17. Our Party is committed to ensuring that oil and coal industries meet stringent production and transportation safety standards.
18. Our Party shall work to see that the State of North Dakota routinely monitors all aspects of these industries to keep workers and citizens safe and to protect our air, land, and water from harm.
19. We recognize that changes in the energy and transportation markets combined with a desire to mitigate climate change and preserve our natural resources for future generations create an urgency for North Dakota communities to move away from reliance on fossil fuel energy.
20. The Dem-NPL urges producers of energy, in particular from sources other than fossil fuel usage, to ensure the stability of energy availability and the integrity of the state and national power grid.
The transition from fossil fuel reliance to the new energy reality will require all partes to prepare and implement long term plans. We support science-based solutions such as investment in wind and solar energy production projects and the installation of solar panels and other renewables on publicly-owned buildings. Our party supports tax incentives for the installation of solar panels or other renewables on homes and on commercial and farm buildings. Our party opposes any attempts to defund or eliminate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. We oppose the use of eminent domain as a method of securing access for private industry projects.
We support a Just Transition plan for workers in the fossil fuel industry to transition to jobs in the renewable energy sector. We support a state constitutional amendment designating as nonpartisan all seats on the North Dakota Public Service Commission. Our party supports the concept of expanding the renewable energy industry sector through funding obtained by fossil fuels production.
Resolution 2024-1: A Resolution to Protect Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care and Information
Whereas, access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care and information is fundamental to individual autonomy, bodily integrity, and well-being;
Whereas, barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health care disproportionately affect marginalized communities, including but not limited to people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, individuals experiencing violence, and individuals living in low-income situations;
Whereas, restrictions on sexual reproductive health care and information have been shown to increase unintended pregnancies, maternal mortality rates, economic hardships, intimate partner violence, and the spread of sexual transmitted infections;
Whereas, evidence-based sexual and reproductive health care services and programs play a critical role in reducing unintended pregnancies, promoting healthy relationships, and preventing sexual violence.
Whereas, the North Dakota State Legislature has a history of allocating state funds to crisis pregnancy centers which employ deceptive tactics and misinformation to dissuade pregnant or potentially pregnant from seeking abortion services;
Whereas, crisis pregnancy centers do not provide comprehensive reproductive health care or unbiased information which leads to delays in accesses valid medical care;
Be it resolved that this party:
- affirms the fundamental human right to access comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care and information including but not limited to contraception, abortion, prenatal care, STI testing and treatment, and evidence-based sex education.
- opposes legislation or policy that seeks to restrict access to sexual and reproductive health care and information, including but not limited to restrictive abortion laws, limitations on contraception coverage, abstinence-only programs, and public funding for crisis pregnancy centers.
- supports the removal of barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health care, including financial barriers, geographical barriers, and legal barriers.
- advocates for the inclusion of comprehensive sexual and reproductive education and information in schools and communities, which should be age appropriate, medically accurate, inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, and designed to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.
- calls upon governments at all levels to allocate resources to ensure equitable access to sexual and reproductive health care and information, particularly for marginalized communities who face intersecting barriers to care.
- Commits to working with legislators, policymakers, and advocacy organizations to promote policies that uphold reproductive rights and ensure access to comprehensive reproductive health care for all individuals, free from coercion, stigma, and misinformation.
Resolution 2024-2: A Resolution Calling for a Pardon for Leonard Peltier
WHEREAS Leonard Peltier is an imprisoned Native American considered by Amnesty International, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, National Congress of American Indians, the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Jesse Jackson, among many others, to be a political prisoner who should be immediately released; and WHEREAS Leonard Peltier was convicted for the deaths of two FBI agents who died during a 1975 shoot-out on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Mr. Peltier has been in prison for over 36 years; and
WHEREAS The Wounded Knee occupation of 1973 marked the beginning of a three-year period of political violence on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The tribal chairman hired vigilantes, self titled as “GOONS,” to rid the reservation of American Indian Movement (AIM) activity and sentiment. More than 60 traditional tribal members and AIM members were murdered and scores more were assaulted. Evidence indicated GOON responsibility in the majority of crimes but despite a large FBI presence, nothing was done to stop the violence. The FBI supplied the GOONS with intelligence on AIM members and looked away as GOONS committed crimes. One former GOON member reported that the FBI supplied him with armor piercing ammunition; and
WHEREAS Leonard Peltier was an AIM leader and was asked by traditional people at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, to support and protect the traditional people being targeted for violence. Mr. Peltier and a small group of young AIM members set up camp on a ranch owned by the traditional Jumping Bull family; and
WHEREAS On June 26, 1975 two FBI agents in unmarked cars followed a pick-up truck onto the Jumping Bull ranch. The families immediately became alarmed and feared an attack. Shots were heard and a shootout erupted. More than 150 agents, GOONS, and law enforcement surrounded the ranch; and
WHEREAS When the shootout ended the two FBI agents and one Native American lay dead. The agents were injured in the shootout and were then shot at close range. The Native American, Joseph Stuntz, was shot in the head by a sniper’s bullet. Mr. Stuntz’s death has never been investigated, nor has anyone ever been charged in connection with his death; and
WHEREAS According to FBI documents, more than 40 Native Americans participated in the gunfight, but only AIM members Bob Robideau, Darrell Butler, and Leonard Peltier were brought to trial; and
WHEREAS Mr. Robideau and Mr. Butler were arrested first and went to trial. A federal jury in Iowa acquitted them on grounds of self-defense, finding that their participation in the shootout was justified given the climate of fear that existed on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Further, they could not be tied to the close-range shootings; and
WHEREAS Leonard Peltier was arrested in Canada on February 6, 1976, along with Frank Blackhorse, a.k.a. Frank Deluca. The United States presented the Canadian court with affidavits signed by Myrtle Poor Bear who said she was Mr. Peltier’s girlfriend and allegedly saw him shoot the agents. In fact, Ms. Poor Bear had never met Mr. Peltier and was not present during the shoot-out. Soon after, Ms. Poor Bear recanted her statements and said the FBI threatened her and coerced her into signing the affidavits; and
WHEREAS Mr. Peltier was extradited to the United States where he was tried in 1977. The trial was held in North Dakota before United States District Judge Paul Benson, a conservative jurist appointed to the federal bench by Richard M. Nixon. Key witnesses like Myrtle Poor Bear were not allowed to testify and unlike the Robideau/Butler trial in Iowa, evidence regarding violence on Pine Ridge was severely restricted; and
WHEREAS An FBI agent who had previously testified that the agents followed a pick-up truck onto the scene, a vehicle that could not be tied to Mr. Peltier, changed his account, stating that the agents had followed a red and white van onto the scene, a vehicle which Mr. Peltier drove occasionally; and
WHEREAS Three teenaged Native witnesses testified against Mr. Peltier, they all later admitted that the FBI forced them to testify. Still, not one witness identified Mr. Peltier as the shooter; and
WHEREAS The U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case claimed that the government had provided the defense with all FBI documents concerning the case. To the contrary, more than 140,000 pages had been withheld in their entirety; and
WHEREAS An FBI ballistics expert testified that a casing found near the agents’ bodies matched the gun tied to Mr. Peltier. However, a ballistic test proving that the casing did not come from the gun tied to Mr. Peltier was intentionally concealed; and
WHEREAS The jury, unaware of the aforementioned facts, found Mr. Peltier guilty. Judge Benson, in turn, sentenced Mr. Peltier to two consecutive life terms; and
WHEREAS Following the discovery of new evidence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, Mr. Peltier sought a new trial. The Eighth Circuit ruled, “There is a possibility that the jury would have acquitted Leonard Peltier had the records and data improperly withheld from the defense been available to him in order to better exploit and reinforce the inconsistencies casting strong doubts upon the government’s case.” Yet, the court denied Mr. Peltier a new trial; and
WHEREAS During oral argument, the government attorney conceded that the government does not know who shot the agents, stating that Mr. Peltier is equally guilty whether he shot the agents at point-blank range, or participated in the shootout from a distance. Mr. Peltier’s co-defendants participated in the shootout from a distance, but were acquitted; and
WHEREAS Judge Heaney, who authored the decision denying a new trial, has since voiced firm support for Mr. Peltier’s release, stating that the FBI used improper tactics to convict Mr. Peltier, the FBI was equally responsible for the shoot-out, and that Mr. Peltier’s release would promote healing with Native Americans; and
WHEREAS Mr. Peltier has served over 36 years in prison and is long overdue for parole. He has received several human rights awards for his good deeds from behind bars which include annual gift drives for the children of Pine Ridge, fundraisers for battered women’s shelters, and donations of his paintings to Native American recovery programs; and
WHEREAS Mr. Peltier suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, and a heart condition. Time for justice is short; and
WHEREAS Currently, Mr. Peltier’s attorneys continue to file Freedom of Information Act requests with FBI Headquarters and all FBI field offices in an attempt to secure the release of all files relating to Mr. Peltier and the RESMURS investigation. To date, the FBI has engaged in a number of dilatory tactics in order to avoid the processing of these requests.
THEREFORE Be it resolved that the North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League meeting in Fargo, North Dakota on April 5, 2024, calls on President Joe Biden to pardon Leonard Peltier and assure that he is released from prison immediately.

Paid for and authorized by the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party. Not authorized by any candidates or candidate's committee.