Rep. Eidson to Step Down; District Committee to Fill the Seat by Oct. 21 

BISMARCK, ND — On Thursday evening, District 43 Rep. Matt Eidson submitted his letter of resignation, which goes into effect September 30. He followed up with a statement via social media stating personal reasons for resigning and asking journalists not to contact him. Media requests may be directed to the Dem-NPL. 

Eidson has represented District 43 since the 2018 election. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 2008 to 2015. He served on the House Finance and Taxation Committee and Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He advocated tirelessly for more effective services and funding for college students and veterans 

Rep. Corey Mock, Grand Forks said: 

“This is truly a bittersweet moment. Rep. Matt Eidson is a highly respected man of service, who built outsized influence over these past two years. Republicans and Democrats alike admired his principled work-ethic. It goes without saying that his absence will be noticed and his perspective will be missed. 

It’s personally difficult news for me as I’ve become close friends with Rep. Eidson. Since he was elected we’ve encouraged each other to learn new skills and grow professionally, holding each other accountable as we set goals for ourselves. I know our friendship will not fade as he moves on, but positive influences like Rep. Eidson are a rare find. 

I know — without a doubt — the decision to move away from North Dakota and live closer to family was difficult. But it was undeniably the right choice as he focuses on his health and future service to our country. We’re a better and stronger community thanks to Rep. Eidson’s short tenure in the legislature, and I know he’ll be following our progress closely in his next chapter.”

House Minority Leader Josh Boschee said:

“As a freshman legislator, Rep. Eidson instantly earned the respect of legislators from both political parties based on his ability to work towards solutions that benefit all North Dakotans. When he spoke on the House floor, the Chamber went silent. Everyone would stop what they were doing to hear him speak. He was a man of service, and his leadership will be missed. We wish him well and welcome him back to North Dakota any time.”

District 43 Chair Kaye Carlson said:
“The people of District 43 will miss Rep. Eidson. He was dedicated to serving our district well. We wish him all the best and are appreciative of all he has done for us. Our District has until October 21st to fill Matt’s position. District 43 has many qualified candidates. We will be able to complete the interview process and have someone appointed within that time frame.”
