Patriotism, at a Price

May 13th, 2019

Patriotism, at a Price
(BISMARCK, ND) – After failed negotiations last week, the Administration’s trade war extends into month ten. President Trump had previously stated that “trade wars are good” and “easy to win.” China, however, has no intention of backing down, and some members of the GOP are becoming impatient – but not Senator Cramer, Senator Hoeven, and Congressman Armstrong, who have been more than happy to tow the party line in Washington.

The Administration continually praises farmers calling them “great and wonderful.” North Dakota’s own Governor Doug Burgum has recently chimed in, thanking North Dakota farmers that are supporting the President and calling them patriots. In doing so, Burgum seems to suggest that those who would speak out against this trade war are somehow unpatriotic.

“Every American has the right, and the patriotic duty, to challenge their elected officials when the policies being enacted are greatly affecting their livelihood,” said Alison Jones, Communications Director of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party. “It is not unpatriotic to oppose tariffs that are forcing everyday, hardworking Americans to make tough choices, or literally bet the family farm.”
