Cass County Democratic-NPL Election Night Party!

Hilton Garden Inn Fargo 4351 17th Ave S, Fargo, ND, United States

The big day is finally here! This party is sponsored by the North Dakota Dem-NPL, Cass County Dem-NPL, U.S. House candidate George Sinner, and statewide candidates Ryan Taylor, Tyler Axness, Todd Reisenauer, Jason Astrup, and Kiara Kraus-Parr who will all be in attendance. All are invited! Come and help celebrate our candidates' victories! Doors open […]

What’s your bid to elect Democrats in 2016?

Würst Bier Hall

What's your bid to elect Democrats in 2016? Tues., Nov. 10 - 5:30-7:30 pm Wurst Bier hall - 630 1st Av. N, Fargo Brats - Cash Bar $35/person + Bidding as you are so inspired join us for a fun, interactive fundraiser based on alive auction model, where you'll place bids to help elect Dem-NPL […]

Cass County Dem-NPL Reorg (All Districts)

There will be a 10am meeting, as per tradition, which will be a last chance to ask questions regarding the logistical aspects of reorg. There will be an event at 11am with guest speakers and we encourage people to eat chili at home. Cass County will not be hosting a chili feed out of public […]

Cass County District Reorganization Meeting

Are you interested in meeting fellow progressives and making positive change in your community? Join us for this opportunity to reorganize the Cass County Dem-NPL districts and elect district officers. All are welcome. The Cass County Democratic-NPL ND in legislative districts 10, 13, 16, 21, 22, 27, 41, 44, 45, and 46 will be holding […]


Cass County Dem-NPL District Conventions

Cass County will be hosting District conventions on February 19 at 10:00 am via zoom.  Register Here:  Join the Cass County Dem-NPL Districts to endorse candidates, elect delegates, and build power. The general meeting of all districts will be at 10:00am CST, and we will go into breakout rooms for district business at 11:30 […]