North Dakota Delegation Must Firmly Denounce President’s Call for Election Delay

BISMARCK, ND —On Thursday, President Donald Trump tweeted the suggestion that the November 3 election be delayed. He does not have the power to do so. The president also disparaged mail-in voting, a process many North Dakotans, and the President himself, have used. There are both Republicans and Democrats speaking out against the president’s tweet. Sen. Kevin Cramer laughed it off.

The statement comes amid a troubling economic and public health crisis, slow and chaotic response from the president, and a lackluster recovery effort from the Republican Senate. 

The Democratic-NPL Party Chairwoman Kylie Oversen said:

“The president is trying to distract from the economic collapse and public health crisis his administration has failed to manage. We cannot let him do that. North Dakotans deserve to know that our delegation in Washington will defend mail-in voting as an option we have had for years, a choice that is even more important during this public health crisis. 

North Dakotans deserve to know the election date is set and that their congressmen will stand up for consistent and secure elections. We’re calling on Rep. Kelly Armstrong, Sen. Kevin Cramer, and Sen. John Hoeven to make a strong split with the president and make it clear the election will be November 3. Sen. Cramer’s decision to laugh off public concerns is frightening.”
