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Our focus is to build an economy that works for all, providing adequately funded, high-quality public services to strengthen our communities and create a place to achieve your American dream.
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The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is a party of people, and we need you to make it all happen! Find an event near you and take action, sign up to volunteer, or check out the latest updates. Whether you’re donating your time, talent, or money, we need you!
Get Involved
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is a party of people, and we need you to make it all happen! Find an event near you and take action, sign up to volunteer, or check out the latest updates. Whether you’re donating your time, talent, or money, we need you!
Looking to 2026, the Dem-NPL is looking for motivated people who want to make a difference! If you’re considering running for office, let us know!
The Dem-NPL is led by volunteers, and supported by our staff members. Consider getting involved in your district or region!
The Dem-NPL is a volunteer-driven organization! Whatever you abilities, we need you! Get involved today.
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Congratulations to Collette Brown! Collette is an enrolled member of the Spirit Lake Tribe and has served as the Gaming Commission Executive Director. Collette is a voice for all people and we look forward to what she will accomplish in the legislature!
Congratulations Representative Jayme Davis! In her first legislative session, Jayme codified the Indian Child Welfare Act in North Dakota. We're so excited to see what she achieves in the next session!
Congratulations, @rb4senate! Since being elected in 2022, Ryan Braunberger has been a force in the State Senate since getting elected in 2022. We're proud he's been re-elected, and look forward to what he does in the next 4 years!
Congratulations Austin Foss! Austin believes in the right to affordable housing, a modernized education, and a clean and better environment. He'll be a phenomenal addition to the ND House!
Welcome back to the ND Senate Richard Marcellais! Richard has fought hard for veterans' benefits and tribal issues.
Congratulations @karlarosehanson! Karla has been a stellar leader and has already authored two bills to protect IVF and birth control access in North Dakota that she will introduce in 2025!
Congratulations @JoshBoschee! Josh's leadership in the North Dakota House has been critical since he was first elected in 2012. We look forward to the work he'll get done in the ND Senate.
Happy Election Day! The polls are now open in Cass County. For those of you who are voting today, the thread below provides some resources for you >>
Longest-serving Republican State Senator in the US Ray Holmberg sentenced to 10 years for child sex tourism
“We don’t need you to be kissing this administration’s butt” Fedorchak fawns over Trump at so-called telephone town hall to North Dakotans’ chagrin
NDGOP statement on Holmberg Case is insufficient
Disturbing Details in Holmberg Case Revealed
Dem-NPL: investments in families more important than ever with uncertain economy