D-36 & D-37 Reorganization Meeting

NA Properties South Conference Room 2943 4th Ave W, Dickinson, North Dakota

Districts 36 and 37 will hold their reorganization meeting on Saturday, March 2nd, from 1-3 pm, at NA Properties South Conference Room, 2493 4th Ave W. There will be an election of officers, followed by a social and reception. Guests may include Ellie Shockley, Region One Coordinator; Warren Larson, Democratic-NPL Party Chairman; and a legislator to brief […]

D-44 Legislative Forum

Broadway Station Center - Senior Room 1461 Broadway North, Fargo, North Dakota

Bis-Man Dems Meeting

Kennedy Memorial Center 1902 E Divide Ave, Bismarck, ND, United States

Our agenda items will include: Sweetheart Party wrap up Legislative update Future election of officers July 3 picnic discussion District reports