District 2 Reorganization Meeting!

Please join District 2 for their Reorganization Meeting! Saturday, February 14th, 2:00pm Williston Public Library,1302 Davidson Drive All Democrats and progressives are invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to become more involved in your district. Officer positions up for election are: District Chair: Presiding office at district meetings, represents district on State Party […]

District 24 Reorganization Meeting!

Please join District 24 for their Reorganization Meeting! Sunday, February 15th, 1:00pm VCSU Student Center -- Skoal Room // 101 College St SW, Valley City All Democrats and progressives are invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to become more involved in your district. Officer positions up for election are: District Chair: Presiding office at […]

Democrats Day at the Legislature

North Dakota Dem-NPL - District 12/29 PO Box 1226, Jamestown, ND, United States

Democrats are invited to the the State Capitol on Monday, February 16th, 8:30 am. Dems will meet legislators, attend hearings, have a special lunch, and sit in on floor sessions. A Century Club reception follows in the evening. RSVP at [email protected] or 701-255-0460.

Democrats Day at the North Dakota State Capitol!

North Dakota State Capitol Building 600 E. Boulevard Ave, Bismarck, ND, United States

North Dakota Democrats are invited to participate with University Democrats in Democrats Day on Monday, February 16th at the State Capitol in Bismarck! The day will begin by meeting with DEM-NPL Senators and Representatives, followed by attending legislative hearings, a special lunch, and sitting in on floor sessions. The day will conclude with a Century […]