Grand Forks Countywide Dems Meeting
Join the GF Countywide Dems for their Monthly Meeting! Red River High School 2211 17th Ave South / Grand Forks ND 58201 7:00pm See you there!
Join the GF Countywide Dems for their Monthly Meeting! Red River High School 2211 17th Ave South / Grand Forks ND 58201 7:00pm See you there!
Join the GF Countywide Dems for their Monthly Meeting! Red River High School 2211 17th Ave South / Grand Forks ND 58201 7:00pm See you there!
Please join us at Souris River Brewing for all you can eat and drink at the 2015 Fundraiser benefiting The Democratic-NPL House Caucus on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 5:30pm-8:30pm Suggested Contribution Levels: $50 Individual Contribution $500 Sponsorship Level Contribution RSVP to Ben Hanson at [email protected] Donations may also be made online
Join the Democratic-NPL at the 6th Annual South Fargo PIGOUT! Sponsored by Districts 41, 46, 16 & 27 Serving pulled pork smoked turkey and all the fixings Rheault Farm park 2902 25th St. S Friday, Sept. 11th 5:30 - 8:00pm Suggested Donation $50 per person Special Guests: City of Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney Kylie Oversen, State […]
Come and join us for the House Caucus Fundraiser at Badlands Bar & Grill, Minot Food will be provided Suggested donation of $50 RSVP to Ben Hanson at [email protected]