Josh Boschee will lead us in an evening for canvass training to clarify goals, finances, questions asked, data entered, best practices and anything else folks in our respective districts would have interest in knowing about.Cass County Dem-NPL Booth at the Fargo Police Community Picnic,Island Park,,2017-06-27,5:00:00,2017-06-27,8:00:PM,,,,,,,,The Cass County Dem-NPL will be having a booth at the […]
D-30 Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, July 12, from 7-9 pm.Games and Discussion with District 11 Senator Tim Mathern,Red River Valley Fair ,,2017-07-13,3:00:00,2017-07-13,6:00:PM,,,,,,,,Everyone is invited to come play Bean Bag Toss and Lawn Jenga with District 11 Senator Tim Mathern. Feel free to bring any questions or concerns you have regarding North Dakota issues. Senator Tim Mathern will […]