BisMan Dem-NPL Reorganizational Meeting and Training

5:30 - 6:30 Meeting - reorganization and election of officersD35 April Meeting,Juniper Workantile ,,2017-04-13,5:30:00,2017-04-13,7:00:PM,,,,,,,,This is the April Monthly Meeting.  The location is Juniper Workantile

District 16 Monthly Meeting

The District 16 Dem-NPL will meet the third Monday of each month at the North Dakota Dem-NPL and Cass County Dem-NPL office.District 7 Meeting,Kennedy Memorial Center - Dem-NPL Headquarters,,2017-04-18,6:30:00,2017-04-18,7:30:PM,,,,,,,, District 13 Dem-NPL Monthly Meeting,Family Fare Community Room,,2017-04-18,6:30:00,2017-04-18,7:30:PM,,,,,,,, District 8 Monthly Meeting,Underwood City Hall,,2017-04-18,7:00:00,2017-04-18,9:00:PM,,,,,,,,Asking D8 legislators: (R)Delzer (R)Laning (R)Anderson to attend and have an open forum […]

Legislative Session Rundown

Meet with legislative leaders for a run down of the 2017 legislative session. Pizza will be provided, BYOB. The hat will be passed around for free will donations to help cover costs. Scheduled to appear are Minority Leader Rep. Corey Mock and Dem-NPL House Caucus Chair Rep. Josh Boschee.