Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting for the State Democratic-NPL Party. Each Second Wednesday of the Month For more information contact Adam Goldwyn at adam.goldwyn@demnpl.com
The Executive Committee Meeting for the State Democratic-NPL Party. Each Second Wednesday of the Month For more information contact Adam Goldwyn at adam.goldwyn@demnpl.com
The Executive Committee Meeting for the State Democratic-NPL Party. Each Second Wednesday of the Month For more information contact Adam Goldwyn at adam.goldwyn@demnpl.com
Monthly meeting Contact Lana Rakow for login credentials lana.rakow@gmail.com
District Chairs and Data Jammers, we’ll glimpse the forthcoming Relational Organizing program this week. Specifically, we will discuss how RO can be used to build districts and increase the accuracy of Votebuilder. Credentials Available in Portal
Regular meeting for District 11 Democrats