Ladies Night in Fargo with Kylie Oversen

HoDo 101 Broadway N, Fargo, North Dakota

Ladies Night in Fargo with Kylie Oversen - Hosted by: Renae Aarfor, Melissa Sobolik, Evelyn Quigley, Kara Gravley-Stack, Carol Rogne - Tuesday, Sept. 11, 5:30 - 7:30 pm - HoDo, 101 Broadway N, Fargo - Suggested Donation Levels: Sponsor: $250, Co-Host: $100, Friend: $50

Congressional Debate Watch Party and Phone Bank (Bismarck)

Bismarck Dem-NPL Coordinated Office 215 N 3rd St., Bismarck, North Dakota

Come join us in cheering on Mac Schneider in the second Congressional debate! We will also be making calls to talk to voters on behalf of all of our great candidates. Come join us in our Bismarck coordinated office at 215 N 3rd Street next to JL Beers and bring a friend! Sign up here:

Phone Bank Bingo Night (Minot)

Minot Dem-NPL Coordinated Office 212 S. Broadway #101, Minot, North Dakota

Phone bank to help us get out the vote!

Secretary of State Debate Watch Party and Phone Bank (Minot)

Minot Dem-NPL Coordinated Office 212 S. Broadway #101, Minot, North Dakota

We are so excited to be hosting Josh Boschee debate watch party on Wednesday! Debate starts at 7pm! Come cheer and support Minot's own! After, stay for treats and learn how you can become involved in this historic campaign.