Districts 42-43 Meeting – Grand Forks

Culver's Meeting Room 3451 32nd Ave S, Grand Forks, ND, N, United States

We will hear how we can help our Senators and Representatives as this next session begins! Come at 5 and order food, if you like. We will gather in the Culver's meeting room at 3451 32nd Ave S., Grand Forks, starting at 5:30.

District 44 Public Forum

Northport Library Community Room 2714 Broadway North, Fargo, North Dakota

Sen. Josh Boschee and Reps. Karla Rose Hanson and Austin Foss will provide updates about the session and take questions.

District 24 Reorganization

District 24 Headquarters 200 N. Central Ave., Valley City, ND, United States

District Reorganization is a great time to get involved in your local Democratic-NPL Party! District 24 consists of all of Barnes and Ransom Counties.