Reorganization for District 30 will consist of electing district officers:
District Officer Responsibilities
District Chair
1. Represents the District on the State Policy Committee
a. Responsible for reporting to the District on any action taken at the State Policy Committee.
b. Maintain open channels of communication between State Headquarters and the district organization.
2. Issue the call for all district meetings
3. Preside at all district meetings and at the district convention.
4. Serve on County Canvassing Board for Primary and General elections, or find a qualified substitute.
5. Responsible for filing in a timely manner all district legal documents, including candidate endorsements and district level campaign financial disclosure statements.
6. Be certain that precinct election judges and clerks are appointed and that they report to the county auditor.
7. Act as spokesperson for the District Party.
8. Coordinate and supervise all district committees.
District Vice Chair
1. Assist Chair when necessary.
2. Preside at district meetings in the absence of the Chair.
3. Attend State Policy Committee meeting in the absence of the Chair.
2nd District Vice Chair
1. Shall be of the opposite gender of the District Chair.
2. Shall have full vote on the State Policy Committee.
3. Assist Chair when necessary.
District Secretary
1. In accordance with state law, the office of Secretary may not be combined with that of the Treasurer. 2. Take minutes of all district meetings.
3. Assist in preparing agenda for district meetings.
4. Keep accurate, complete and accessible records of all district meetings.
5. Suggested additional duties include:
a. Maintain district email and mailing lists.
b. Distribute information, such as letters and notices.
District Treasurer
1. Maintain district accounting system.
2. Maintain district contribution reporting system.
a. Donations of over $200 received in any one-year period.
b. Donations by the district, to candidates that exceed $200 in any one-year period.
c. Expenditures on a candidate that exceed $200 in any one-year period.
3. Receive all funds donated to the district party.
4. Pay approved bills
5. Provide report on district finances at district meetings.
6. Assist in the completion of financial reports.
Additional Notes on District Officers
-All district officers must be qualified electors of the district.
-They are elected to two-year terms.
-All officer vacancies that occur between reorganization meetings are filled by a majority vote of the District Committee.
Century Club Chair/Team
The District Committee may choose to appoint a Century Club Chair/Team.
This committee should be separate from the District fund raising committee, and will fulfill the following roles:
1. Keep accurate records of Century Club members within your District. By removing deceased or moved members, and adding the names of potential new members.
2. Serve as the primary point(s) of contact with State Party Headquarters regarding the planning and execution of Century Club events and recruitment of new members.
3. Plan and publicize Century Club reception at least once a year.