Are you considering running to become a National Delegate at the 2024 DNC National Convention in Chicago, August 19-22? The Dem-NPL is hosting a virtual info session on Wednesday, Feb 21 @ 5:30pm CST. Click on the link below to register!
Register for the Dem-NPL’s DNC National Delegate Info Session:
DNC National Delegate applications are due April 2nd, 2024, and elections will occur at the ND Dem-NPL State Convention in Fargo on Saturday, April 6th in the morning. All candidates must fill out the National Delegate application form and find an individual to submit a written nomination speech. Each candidate will also provide a 1-2 minute speech on stage at the State Convention.
*Elected National Delegates are expected to cover all of their own expenses.*
If you would like more comprehensive information about the DNC National Delegate process, expectations, and requirements, please email and more information will be provided.