Democratic-NPL’s Statement on Today’s Verdict

FARGO — Today, Former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in felony charges of falsifying business records regarding hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

North Dakota Democratic-NPL spokeswomen Laura Dronen remarked, “No one is above the rule of law, that includes Former Presidents. Donald Trump chose to engage in criminal activity, and his choice should upset all Americans no matter their political stripe.

It’s also been disappointing—and frankly infuriating—to see folks like Doug Burgum, Kelly Armstrong, Julie Fedorchak, and Rick Becker stumbling over themselves to suck up to a man who’s been found liable for sexual assault, paid off a porn star he slept with while his wife was pregnant, tried to overthrow an election, and is now a convicted felon. It’s not a badge of honor to be tied to this man, it’s shameful.”