Dem-NPL Policy Adopted by NDGOP & Gov Burgum

Bismarck, ND –  After years of Dem-NPL leaders, candidates, and volunteers championing policies that will improve the lives of North Dakotans, yet another policy was taken from the tenets of the Dem-NPL party. While the NDGOP is legislating in a fear-based, unconstitutional manner that does not represent North Dakotan needs, the Dem-NPL is working hard on ideas and policies that will improve our state.

Dem-NPL Chair Patrick Hart commented on the continued lack of leadership from the NDGOP

“This is yet another example of the NDGOP not having any real policy ideas that will improve our communities, our children’s futures, or put money in our pockets. While we’re glad to see the carbon neutrality initiative in a headline, if Dem-NPL was in charge, North Dakota would’ve gotten it done years ago. Funny how Governor Burgum likes to act as though he is cut from a different cloth of the NDGOP, when in reality his ‘innovation’ is nothing more than taking Dem-NPL policy and implementing it years too late.”

Chair Hart continues:

“We have been fortunate to have Dem-NPL leaders like Senator Heitkamp & Dr. Lenz as well as many others across the state be proactive on critical topics like this. Climate change, energy innovation, and soil health are integral to how we grow the economics of this state. As a Senator, Heidi Heitkamp made it known that North Dakota would be a leader on carbon neutrality and sequestration. During her run for Governor, Dr. Shelley Lenz made it equally clear that involving North Dakota workers, tribal nations and more would be critical to the development of our energy sectors, not by catering to big corporate giveaways, but by investment in new industries and the people of North Dakota. The Dem-NPL has long been a leader on this issue and we will continue to be, but it would be for the betterment of North Dakota if the NDGOP could stop blockading for decades the things we need to be a leader in this industry.”