Welcome to Cramer’s Chronicles where, every Friday, we’ll break down the latest and greatest weekly hits about Cramer’s crooked, self-serving, extreme, and gaffe-prone behavior that puts himself and his partisan politics ahead of North Dakotans.

HEIDI WINS FIRST DEBATE. Last night’s debate proved once again why North Dakotans sent Heidi to the U.S. Senate six years ago. She’s an independent, adult voice for North Dakota who will always put their interests firsts – unlike Kevin Cramer. Missed the debate? Don’t worry, the Dem-NPL was busy holding Cramer accountable for papering over his anti-North Dakota record and we’ve got the receipts. 

TRIPLING DOWN ON GUTTING MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY. Cramer has frequently admitted that he’s open to cutting Social Security and Medicare to pay for the tax cut he gave to the wealthy, but this week he tripled down on his anti-senior agenda, admitting three separate times that he wants to make changes to these programs.

  1. In an interview with the Jamestown Sun, Cramer advocated for raising the retirement age and making cuts to programs like Medicare.
  2. During a town hall sponsored by AARP, Cramer endorsed Mitch McConnell’s suggestion of gutting Social Security and Medicare to pay for the rising deficit and reiterated his support for making changes to these vital programs.
  3. In a radio interview, Cramer said it was “a mistake” that President Trump “has pledged not to deal with Social Security and Medicare.”

HEALTH CARE ON THE BALLOT. Cramer’s Washington, D.C. bosses admitted their disastrous plan to repeal the current health care law after the midterms – a plan that, if successful, could remove protections for more than 300,000 North Dakotans who have a pre-existing condition and could spike costs and strip coverage.

Our Take: North Dakotans’ access to affordable care is on the ballot this November – and with 52 percent of North Dakotans saying health care is “very important when deciding their vote for the U.S. Senate” and 53 percent having a “major concern” with Cramer’s votes to repeal the current health care law and undermine protections for pre-existing conditions – Cramer is in trouble.

CRAMER’S HEALTH CARE AGENDA WORSE THAN EXPECTED. Kaiser Health News is now reporting that the Cramer-endorsed lawsuit could also jeopardize care for folks who get coverage through their employer. Here’s what else the Cramer-endorsed lawsuit could do:

  • “[E]liminate the ACA’s cap on how much enrollees pay out-of-pocket and its ban on annual and lifetime limits.”
  • “For small businesses, the lawsuit would knock down the ACA’s ban on charging higher premiums based on health status or gender, and its limits on age variation.”

TRADE WAR THREATENS FARMERS – CRAMER BRUSHES OFF CONCERNS. From the Washington Post and running in this week’s Forum: “North Dakota soybean farmers, caught in the trade war, watch the season run out on their crop.”



…Because he doesn’t have any
