Both government shutdown and GOP funding cuts could hurt North Dakotans, says Democratic-NPL chair
September 26, 2023
Laura Dronen
Communications Director
(701) 566-0616
Fargo, ND – House Republicans still have not coalesced around a solution to keep the U.S. Government funded. Democratic-NPL Chair Adam Goldwyn remarked, “We have less than a week to avert a government shutdown, and right now Republican Representatives are trying to appease the most extreme far-right members of their caucus rather than do what’s right for the American people.
Because of these Republican Lawmakers, especially Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota families are facing either a devastating government shutdown or outrageous cuts that would rob funding for child care, schools, law enforcement, and much more.”
How North Dakotans would be affected by a government shutdown:
-Service members could be forced to work without pay
-Our national security could be weakened
-Slashes funding food safety, education, law enforcement, housing, Head Start and child care, Meals on Wheels, and much more
-Weaken security at the border by jeopardizing funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers.
-Fails to provide urgent funding counter fentanyl trafficking
-Fails to preserve access to critical food assistance for pregnant and postpartum women and young children.
-Abandons our allies by withholding support for Ukraine
-Some essential inspections that ensure food safety and water quality could be delayed
-Services from the Social Security Administration to support our seniors could be delayed
-North Dakota FSA county offices could close right in the middle of harvest
-10,299 North Dakota women, children, and babies would lose vital nutritional assistance
-Disability payments for America’s veterans could be halted
-Essential medical research into diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s could be stalled, and more
How proposed House GOP cuts could hurt North Dakotans:
-Slashes funding food safety, education, law enforcement, housing, Head Start and child care, Meals on Wheels, and much more
-Weaken security at the border by jeopardizing funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers.
-Fails to provide urgent funding counter fentanyl trafficking
-Fails to preserve access to critical food assistance for pregnant and postpartum women and young children.
-Abandons our allies by withholding support for Ukraine