On Saturday, September 22, the North Dakota Dem-NPL will be hosting a vote by mail informational event in Minot before the MSU Homecoming Parade — and we’d love it if you could join us!
You’ll get to meet our Minot area legislative candidates, Dem-NPL Chair Warren Larson, and great Dem-NPLers like yourself in Minot at our coordinated campaign office located at 212 South Broadway #101! All the details are below:
Dem-NPL vote by mail event with Minot area state legislative candidates, Dem-NPL Chairman Warren Larson, and Dem-NPLers from around the Minot area
Minot Dem-NPL Campaign Office
212 South Broadway #101
Minot, ND 58701
Saturday, September 22
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Hope to see you there!
Your friends at the Dem-NPL
P.S. — Have you heard about the Century Club, our grassroots donor program? All of the money we raise through this program supports our coordinated campaign and field efforts!