During the 69th Legislative Assembly, North Dakota Democratic-NPL Insider will provide updates and calls to action each day of the regular session. If you would like to have something added to the newsletter, email us at [email protected]. Spread the word of our newsletter by sharing our sign-up link today: https://demnpl.com/join-our-newsletter/.
The North Dakota Legislative Session is fast-paced and every bill gets a vote unless it's withdrawn. Are there bills you want to know more about or bills that you are following that you think should get more attention? Please let us know!

What happened today?

HCR 3003 passed the House. This resolution would up the threshold for approving a constitutional amendment from a simple majority to 60%. House Minority Leader Zac Ista said in opposition. "I still trust the voters with the power reserved to them in our constitution. I trust the voters to get it right more often than not. I trust the voters to be a worthy and valuable check on our branch of government. And if I, as a North Dakota Democrat who knows all too well what it's like to be on the wrong side of the popular vote in this state, still place my trust in North Dakota voters, I'd submit you should, too."

HB 1288 received a “DO NOT PASS” recommendation. The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Dennis Nehring, seemingly introduced the bill to “conduct a review of public school compliance with state law” This would be an expensive and onerous law to enact, so it is good that it received a DO NOT PASS recommendation.

Sen. Claire Cory (R-42) is presented a troubling bill (SB 2285) to the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow that states "a judge may not defer to an administrative agency's interpretation of the statute, regulation, or rule." Last year the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Chevron doctrine. This bill would have a similar effect on state agencies.

Sen. Bob Paulson (R-3) presented a bill (SB 2244) that ostensibly affirms a parent's fundamental rights to direct their children’s education, health care, and mental health. This already is mostly codified in ND law; this bill, as one woman's testimony outlines, is "unnecessary, unreasonable and impossible to enforce and puts additional strain and stress on our already burdened school systems."

Democratic-NPL Bills

Wednesday, January 29
Sen. Ryan Braunberger (D-10) presented three bills to protect renters in North Dakota. SB 2235 and SB 2236 seek to improve clarity and fairness in rental agreements. Under the third (SB 2237), the Labor Commissioner would be empowered to receive and investigate tenant complaints.

Braunberger also presented a bill (SB 2264) to update outdated, gender-specific terms in ND Century Code such as “husband and wife” with inclusive terminology like “two individuals married to each other” or “spouses." In his testimony, Braunberger writes, "Members of the Judiciary Committee, this bill is not just about changing words; it is about changing lives. It is about ensuring that our laws reflect the values of equality, respect, and dignity that we hold dear. By embracing these amendments, we send a clear message: North Dakota is a state that values fairness and recognizes the humanity of all its citizens." Unfortunately, it got a DO NOT PASS recommendation in committee.
Sen. Josh Boschee's (D-44) bill (SB 2229) which would require timely disclosure of key documents to buyers before the purchase of a condominium unit or property within a homeowner’s association (HOA) or condominium project, was heard in the Senate Industry and Business Committee.

Rep. Jayme Davis' (D-9) presented her bill (HB 1563) which calls for a legislative study of tribal land taxation issues. Davis said in her testimony, "Taxation on tribal lands is a complicated and often misunderstood issue that sits at the intersection of federal law, state authority, and tribal sovereignty. Historically, land held in trust for tribes by the federal government has been exempt from state taxation. However, various judicial decisions, state policies, and administrative practices have created ambiguity in the taxation framework affecting Native Americans."

Rep. Karla Rose Hanson's (D-44) presented her bills to protect access to birth control (HB 1478) and IVF (HB 1477). Neither bill received any opposition in committee.

What's coming up?

Rep. Jorin Johnson (R-41) has a bill to defund Prairie Public! We're not sure what the Fargo Republican's vendetta against Big Bird is, but we would encourage you to submit testimony and reach out to your representatives to urge them to vote NO.
Thursday, January 30
Sen. Ryan Braunberger (D-10) will present SB 2263 to make a one-time appropriation of $500,000 from the general fund will empower schools to adopt innovative and sustainable approaches to student learning to the Senate Workforce Development Committee.

Sen. Josh Boschee (D-44) will present two bills: one (SB 2239) to establish an apprenticeship grant program and another (SB 2254) to provide additional funding for municipal fixed bus routes and request a study to see what additional funding cities need for their transportation networks.

Sen. Tim Mathern (D-11) will present a bill (SB 2246) to study the feasibility and desirability of creating a regenerative grazing ranch in the state.

Rep. Collette Brown (D-9) will present a bill (HB 1521) to allow the motor vehicle excise tax exemption for enrolled tribal members to apply regardless of whether someone's primary residence is within the boundaries of a reservation or not to the House Transportation Committee.

Rep. Alisa Mitskog (D-25) will present a bill (HB 1577) that would establish a wastewater infrastructure grant program.

Rep. Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A) will present a bill (HB 1545) to change the name of First Nations Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.

Help us spread our message—share these recent posts!

New bill causing concern over IVF

Rep. Hanson responded: “It would affect three different areas of state law: The criminal statutes related to murder and assault, and the civil statutes related to wrongful death. It would also have the impact to health care providers to treat incomplete miscarriages, which are often a danger to women’s lives. It would also have a very negative impact on the ability to practice ivf in north Dakota.”

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Bipartisan-backed bills aim to protect contraceptives, IVF

“As previously passed legislation tries to ban nearly all abortions, protecting an individual’s ability to decide whether or not to become pregnant is critical,” said Dr. Ana Tobiasz, maternal-fetal medicine Physician.

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Potential changes for renters in North Dakota

“This bill would have helped me immensely in this situation,” said Andrew. “This bill is really intended to go after the landlords that aren’t the best,” said Braunberger. “We need to make sure we hold the bad landlords responsible and keep working with the good landlords.”

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Legislators propose 2 funding options for free school meals for North Dakota students

“Those of us on the bills are sort of working behind the scenes and are taking part of those conversations to figure out how to do this in a way, not just for the next biennium, but every biennium thereafter, to make it sustainable,” said House Minority Leader Zac Ista, D-Grand Forks.

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Debate over public charter schools begins in North Dakota Legislature

North Dakota Small Organized Schools, an association that represents more than 140 North Dakota schools, opposes the bill. Executive Director Michael Heilman said teacher shortages, especially in rural areas, would be amplified if charter schools begin popping up.

“If small schools lose a few students, that has a huge impact,” Heilman said. “I worry that charter schools, or additional schools, coming into situations are going to drain those resources that will have a negative impact on the students that we have a responsibility to in our public schools.”

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Check out this --- from the national Democratic Party

Hold on to the truth…

As I said during my sign off at the end of my final show on CNN…
Don’t give in to the lies.
Don’t give in to fear.
Hold on to the truth.
Hold on to hope.

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Tim Kaine Warns Federal Workers to Beware of Trump “Buyout” Offer

“There’s no budget line item to pay people who are not showing up for work,” Kaine continued. “My message to federal employees who received this is: Yeah, the president has tried to terrorize you for about a week, and then gives you a little sweetheart offer if you resign in the next week.… Don’t be fooled! He’s tricked hundreds of people with that offer. If you accept that offer and resign, he’ll stiff you.… That promise is worth nothing.”

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Trump's 'stop-work' order for PEPFAR cuts off anti-HIV drugs for patients

Clinics have "stopped distributing medications and PEPFAR central information systems were shut down," Atul Gawande, assistant administrator for global health at USAID under the Biden administration, told NPR in an email.

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Exclusive: Rachel Maddow interviews MN Governor Tim Walz as Trump plots end of U.S. government

In an exclusive interview, Rachel Maddow interviews Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, former Democratic nominee for vice president, in his first interview since the election, about how the Donald Trump administration's ill-advised freeze of federal funds exposes the role of Project 2025 in the Trump administration's plans, and Trump's ultimate goal of destroying the U.S. government.

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Every bill is voted on in the North Dakota legislature, but first, it must go through a committee hearing. The committee will vote to give the bill a "Do Pass" or a "Do Not Pass" recommendation. Below is a list of Standing Committees this legislative session.

Senate Standing Committee Members

Agriculture and Veterans Affairs
Meets Thursday and Friday
Richard Marcellais (D-9)
Larry Luick (R-35)
Janne Myrdal (R-19)
Randy D. Lemm (R-20)
Mark F. Weber (R-22)
Kent Weston (R-15)

Meets Monday through Friday
Tim Mathern (D-11)
Brad Bekkedahl (R-1)
Robert Erbele (R-28)
Randy A. Burckhard (R-5)
Sean Cleary (R-35)
Cole Conley (R-12)
Kyle Davison (R-41)
Dick Dever (R-32)
Michael Dwyer (R-47)
Jeffery J. Magrum (R-8)
Scott Meyer (R-18)
Donald Schaible (R-31)
Jonathan Sickler (R-17)
Ronald Sorvaag (R-45)
Paul J. Thomas (R-6)
Terry M. Wanzek (R-29)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Josh Boschee (D-44)
Todd Beard (R-23)
Randy D. Lemm (R-20)
Michelle Axtman (R-7)
Justin Gerhardt (R-34)
Mike Wobbema (R-24)

Energy and Natural Resources
Meets Thursday and Friday
Dale Patten (R-26)
Greg Kessel (R-39)
Todd Beard (R-23)
Keith Boehm (R-33)
Mark Enget (R-2)
Justin Gerhardt (R-34)
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)

Finance and Taxation
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Richard Marcellais (D-9)
Mark F. Weber (R-22)
Dean Rummel (R-39)
Dale Patten (R-26)
Michelle Powers (R-46)
Chuck Walen (R-4)
Human Services
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Kathy Hogan (D-21)
Judy Lee (R-13)
Kent Weston (R-15)
David A. Clemens (R-16)
Kristin Roers (R-27)
Desiree Van Oosting (R-36)

Industry and Business
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Jeff Barta (R-43)
Keith Boehm (R-33)
Mark Enget (R-2)
Greg Kessel (R-39)
Jerry Klein (R-14)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Ryan Braunberger (D-10)
Diane Larson (R-30)
Bob Paulson (R-3)
Jose L. Castaneda (R-40)
Claire Cory (R-42)
Larry Luick (R-25)
Janne Myrdal (R-19)

State and Local Government
Meets Thursday and Friday
Ryan Braunberger (D-10)
Kristin Roers (R-27)
Jose L. Castaneda (R-40)
Jeff Barta (R-43)
Judy Lee (R-13)
Chuck Walen (R-4)

Meets Thursday and Friday
Kathy Hogan (D-21)
David A. Clemens (R-16)
Claire Cory (R-42)
Jerry Klein (R-14)
Bob Paulson (R-3)
Dean Rummel (R-37)

Workforce Development
Meets Thursday and Friday
Josh Boschee (D-44)
Mike Wobbema (R-24)
Michelle Axtman (R-7)
Diane Larson (R-30)
Michelle Powers (R-46)

House Standing Committee Members

Meets Thursday and Friday
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Mike Beltz (R-20)
Dori Hauck (R-36)
Karen A. Anderson (R-19)
Donna Henderson (R-15)
Dawson Holle (R-31)
Jeff Hoverson (R-3)
Dwight Kiefert (R-24)
Dennis Nehring (R-23)
SuAnn Olson (R-8)
Nico Rios (R-23)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Bill Tveit (R-33)
Daniel R. Vollmer (R-6)

Meets Monday through Friday
Karla Rose Hanson (D-44)
Alisa Mitskog (D-25)
Don Vigesaa (R-29)
Keith Kempenich (R-39)
Bert Anderson (R-2)
Mike Berg (R-8)
Glenn Bosch (R-30)
Mike Brandenburg (R-28)
Jay Fisher (R-5)
Scott Louser (R-5)
Bob Martinson (R-35)
Lisa Meier (R-32)
David Monson (R-19)
Eric J. Murphy (R-43)
Mike Nathe (R-30)
Jon O. Nelson (R-14)
Emily O'Brien (R-42)
Brandy L. Pyle (R-22)
David Richter (R-1)
Mark Sanford (R-17)
Gregory Stemen (R-27)
Steve Swiontek (R-10)
Scott Wagner (R-45)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Liz Conmy (D-11)
LaurieBeth Hager (D-21)
Pat D. Heinert (R-32)
Cynthia Schreiber-Beck (R-25)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Matthew Heilman (R-7)
Jim Jonas (R-13)
Donald W. Longmuir (R-2)
Roger A. Maki (R-26)
Andrew Marschall (R-16)
Desiree Morton (R-46)
Anna S. Novak (R-33)
Doug Osowski (R-42)

Energy and Natural Resources
Meets Thursday and Friday
Liz Conmy (D-11)
Austin Foss (D-44)
Todd Porter (R-34)
Dick Anderson (R-6)
Anna S. Novak (R-33)
Jason Dockter (R-7)
Jared C. Hagert (R-20)
Craig Headland (R-29)
Pat D. Heinert (R-32)
Jorin Johnson (R-41)
Andrew Marschall (R-16)
Jeremy L. Olson (R-26)
Matthew Ruby (R-40)

Finance and Taxation
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Austin Foss (D-44)
Zachary Ista (D-43)
Craig Headland (R-29)
Jared C. Hagert (R-20)
Dick Anderson (R-6)
Jason Dockter (R-7)
Ty Dressler (R-36)
Jim Grueneich (R-28)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Dennis Nehring (R-23)
Jeremy L. Olson (R-26)
Todd Porter (R-34)
Vicky Steiner (R-37)
Nathan Toman (R-34)
Government and Veterans Affairs
Meets Thursday and Friday
Collette Brown (D-9)
Mary Schneider (D-21)
Austen Schauer (R-13)
Bernie Satrom (R-12)
Landon Bahl (R-17)
Josh Christy (R-27)
Karen Grindberg (R-41)
Karen Karls (R-25)
Carrie McLeod (R-45)
Karen M. Rohr (R-31)
Vicky Steiner (R-37)
Lori VanWinkle (R-3)
Steve Vetter (R-18)
Christina Wolff (R-38)

Human Services
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Jayme Davis (D-9)
Gretchen Dobervich (D-11)
Matthew Ruby (R-40)
Kathy Frelich (R-15)
Karen A. Anderson (R-19)
Mike Beltz (R-20)
Macy Bolinske (R-40)
Clayton Fegley (R-4B)
Jared Hendrix (R-10)
Dawson Holle (R-31)
Dwight Kiefert (R-24)
Nico Rios (R-23)
Karen M. Rohr (R-31)

Industry, Business and Labor
Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Collette Brown (D-9)
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Jonathan Warrey (R-22)
Jorin Johnson (R-41)
Mitch Ostlie (R-12)
Landon Bahl (R-17)
Josh Christy (R-27)
Karen Grindberg (R-41)
Jim Kasper (R-46)
Ben Koppelman (R-16)
Dan Ruby (R-38)
Mike Schatz (R-39)
Austen Schauer (R-13)
Daniel R. Vollmer (R-6)

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Mary Schneider (D-21)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Karen Karls (R-35)
Steve Vetter (R-18)
Nels Christianson (R-18)
Donna Henderson (R-15)
Jeff Hoverson (R-3)
Daniel Johnston (R-24)
Carrie McLeod (R-45)
SuAnn Olson (R-8)
Bernie Satrom (R-12)
Bill Tveit (R-33)
Lori VanWinkle (R-3)
Christina Wolff (R-38)

Political Subdivisions
Meets Thursday and Friday
Jayme Davis (D-9)
LaurieBeth Hager (D-21)
Donald W. Longmuir (R-2)
Clayton Fegley (R-4B)
Jim Jonas (R-13)
Macy Bolinske (R-40)
Patrick R. Hatlestad (R-1)
Matthew Heilman (R-7)
Lawrence R. Klemin (R-47)
Mike Motschenbacher (R-47)
Mitch Ostlie (R-12)
Nathan Toman (R-34)
Jonathan Warrey (R-22)

Meets Thursday and Friday
Lisa Finley-DeVille (D-4A)
Dan Ruby (R-38)
Jim Grueneich (R-28)
Nels Christianson (R-18)
Ty Dressler (R-36)
Kathy Frelich (R-15)
Jared Hendrix (R-10)
Daniel Johnston (R-24)
Jim Kasper (R-46)
Ben Koppelman (R-16)
Roger A. Maki (R-26)
Desiree Morton (R-46)
Doug Osowski (R-42)
Mike Schatz (R-39)
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The North Dakota Democratic-NPL is launching a new grassroots program called “Neighbor to Neighbor” where volunteers will connect with voters in your community to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for connecting with voters in 25 homes in your neighborhood or friends and family to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot about 3-4 times this year.
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